首页> 外文期刊>Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences >Effects of Processing Conditions on the Protein Quality of Fried Anchovy Kamaboko Engraulis japonica

Effects of Processing Conditions on the Protein Quality of Fried Anchovy Kamaboko Engraulis japonica


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The effects of processing and frozen storage conditions on the quality of anchovy Engraulis japonica fried surimi gels were investigated. Protein content decreased after surimi gel processing from 19.6% (raw meat) to 12.1% (kamaboko) due to the addedingredients and change in water content. Lipid content decreased from 2.8% (raw meat) to 1.3% in minced and 0.5% in surimi, but fried kamaboko showed a 6.9 % lipid level. Thiobarbituric acid values and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances levels werehighest in kamaboko samples, 89.5 and 1.9 mg/g solid, and increased gradually with storage time to 101.8 and 4.6 mg/g solid, respectively. In vitro protein digestibility increased from 79.2% in raw anchovy to 88.5% in kamaboko samples. Levels of trypsininhibitor decreased gradually with processing and during storage time from 2.43 in raw anchovy to 0.31 mg/g solid in the kamaboko sample after 60 days of frozen storage. No noticeable changes in total essential amino acid was observed during processing conditions. Computed protein efficiency ratio for kamaboko was highest (2.59) compared with whole anchovy (1.96), minced (1.94) and surimi (2.50). Fresh fried anchovy kamaboko showed similar values of hardness, springiness, gumminess and chewiness to commercial surimi gel, but a higher values were seen for fracturability and adhesiveness, and lower values for cohesiveness and resilience. The frozen and thawed anchovy kamaboko showed higher values for all of these rheological parameters compared with fresh and commercial kamaboko. Anchovy kamaboko showed the lowest lightness (62.9) and redness (0.16) and similar yellowness (11.9) compared with commercial kamaboko. Frozen storage and vacuum packaging were effective maintaining the shelf life of anchovy kamaboko within 30 days, but were not effective after 45 days due to fat oxidation.
机译:研究了加工和冷冻条件对on鱼gra鱼炒鱼糜凝胶质量的影响。鱼糜凝胶加工后的蛋白质含量从19.6%(生肉)下降到12.1%(kamaboko),这是由于添加的成分和水含量的变化。脂质含量从2.8%(生肉)降至切碎的1.3%和鱼糜的0.5%,但油炸卡玛波科的脂质含量为6.9%。卡马波科样品中的硫代巴比妥酸值和硫代巴比妥酸反应性物质含量最高,分别为89.5和1.9 mg / g固体,随储存时间的增加而逐渐增加,分别为101.8和4.6 mg / g固体。体外蛋白质消化率从生凤尾鱼中的79.2%增加到了ama鱼样品中的88.5%。胰蛋白酶抑制剂的水平随加工过程和储存时间逐渐降低,从冷冻an鱼60天后的原始凤尾鱼中的2.43降至kamaboko样品中的固体0.31 mg / g。在加工条件下未观察到总必需氨基酸的明显变化。相比整个whole鱼(1.96),切碎(1.94)和鱼糜(2.50),卡马波科的蛋白质效率最高(2.59)。新鲜油炸的凤尾鱼鱼糕的硬度,弹性,胶粘性和咀嚼度值与市售鱼糜凝胶相似,但可碎性和粘附性值较高,而内聚性和回弹力值较低。冷冻和解冻的cho鱼k鱼比所有新鲜和商用k鱼鱼都显示出更高的所有流变参数值。与市售k鱼相比,鱼k鱼的亮度最低(62.9)和发红(0.16),黄度相似(11.9)。冷冻储存和真空包装有效地维持了cho鱼k鱼在30天内的保质期,但由于脂肪氧化,在45天后无效。



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