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Lessons for appropriate soil management technology generation for the savannas and their application to the grain legume-cereal rotation system


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There are many legume-based technologies capable of regenerating soil fertility but few are being adopted by farmers in West Africa. At the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) we found that alley cropping and cover cropping systems are biologically sustainable but have low adoption by farmers in the medium term. Negative reactions by farmers stimulated us to consider grain legume rotations for soil fertilily maintenance, a decision that permitted a concentration of efforts by several disciplines on the same system. The immediate payoff was the generation of a large body of scientific information generated by a small number of researchers. Positive reactions of farmers has led to research at the farm level, focusing on the increases in maize yield due to the N benefits and the reduction in Striga bemonthica parasitism. A preliminary estimate of the impact can be calculated for Northern Nigeria where gross revenue from soybean-maize rotation is 50 to 70 percent higher than continuous maize cropping. Several research and development efforts are now underway testing soybean or cowpea rotation with maize.
机译:有许多基于豆类的技术能够恢复土壤肥力,但西非的农民却很少采用。在国际热带农业研究所(IITA)中,我们发现小巷种植和掩盖种植系统具有生物可持续性,但从中期来看,农民的采用率较低。农民的负面反应促使我们考虑轮作豆类以维持土壤肥力,这一决定允许多个学科将精力集中在同一系统上。即时的收益是由少数研究人员产生的大量科学信息的产生。农民的积极反应导致了在农场一级的研究,重点是由于氮素的好处而增加了玉米单产,减少了Striga bemonthica寄生虫。可以对尼日利亚北部的影响进行初步估算,那里的玉米玉米轮作总收入比连续玉米种植高50%至70%。目前正在进行一些研究和开发工作,以测试玉米的大豆或cow豆轮作。



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