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Nearly Half of all New Zealanders Have Concerns About Food Safety


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Nearly half of New Zealand consumers have concerns about the safety of food sold in this country, a recent survey shows. Results of a survey on the perceptions of food safety in New Zealand suggest the current government review of domestic food regulations is timely, New Zealand Food Safety Authority Executive Director, Andrew McKenzie says. The quantitative study, carried out by UMR Research in May on behalf of NZFSA, showed that nearly half (46%) of the population have some concern over the way food is produced, processed and handled in New Zealand. About the same number had observed poor food safety practices in food outlets over the past two years. The results demonstrate the relevance of the Domestic Food Review, Andrew McKenzie says. The second phase of the review - a five-year project to bring decades-old food safety regulations up to date - is to be discussed in a series of public workshops to run in the main centres over 10 days from Monday July 25. Draft guidance material is expected to be produced by November.
机译:最近的一项调查显示,将近一半的新西兰消费者对在该国出售的食品的安全性表示担忧。新西兰食品安全局执行主任安德鲁·麦肯齐说,一项针对新西兰食品安全观念的调查结果表明,目前政府对国内食品法规的审查是及时的。 UMR Research在5月份代表NZFSA进行的定量研究表明,近一半(46%)的人口对新西兰生产,加工和处理食物的方式有所担忧。在过去两年中,大约有相同数量的人发现食品店的食品安全做法不良。结果证明了《国内食品评论》的重要性,安德鲁·麦肯齐说。审查的第二阶段-一个为期五年的项目,旨在更新具有数十年历史的食品安全法规-将于7月25日星期一开始的为期10天在主要中心举办的一系列公共研讨会上进行讨论。指导草案该材料预计将于11月生产。



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