
The management of iron deficiency in menometrorrhagia.


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Iron-deficiency anaemia, the condition in which anaemia occurs due to a lack of iron, develops when the amount of available iron is insufficient to support normal red blood cell production. Iron deficiency and iron-deficiency anaemia, very prevalent conditions in premenopausal women, are often associated with menometrorrhagia (present in more than two-thirds of cases of iron-deficiency anaemia in premenopausal women). Appropriate identification and treatment of iron deficiency is imperative as iron deficiency can induce important specific clinical manifestations (including fatigue, atrophic changes in the epithelium, oral lesions, dysphagia, nail lesions, reduced immune response). Iron supplementation is the most common strategy used to control iron deficiency. Based on World Health Organisation recommendations, the most appropriate treatment is with an oral ferrous salt in a prolonged-release tablet form, to provide a dose of elemental iron equivalent to 60 mg per intake, in the range of 60 and 120 mg/day according to the severity of iron-deficiency anaemia. When haemoglobin levels have returned to normal, treatment should continue for about 3 months to fill iron stores. An extended-release formulation of ferrous sulphate with mucoproteose has been shown to be associated with a lower incidence of gastrointestinal adverse effects compared with other ferrous and ferric salts.
机译:缺铁性贫血是由于缺乏铁而引起的贫血,当可用铁的量不足以支持正常的红细胞产生时,就会出现贫血。缺铁和缺铁性贫血是绝经前妇女非常普遍的疾病,通常与月经不调有关(绝经前妇女中缺铁性贫血的病例占三分之二以上)。正确识别和治疗铁缺乏症势在必行,因为铁缺乏症会诱发重要的特定临床表现(包括疲劳,上皮萎缩,口腔病变,吞咽困难,指甲病变,免疫反应降低)。补铁是控制铁缺乏的最常见策略。根据世界卫生组织的建议,最合适的治疗方法是以口服片剂形式的口服亚铁盐,提供相当于每次摄入60 mg的元素铁剂量,根据每天60至120 mg缺铁性贫血的严重程度。当血红蛋白水平恢复正常后,应继续治疗约3个月以补充铁储备。与其他亚铁盐和铁盐相比,硫酸亚铁与粘蛋白的缓释制剂与胃肠道不良反应的发生率降低相关。



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