首页> 外文期刊>Gynecologic Oncology: An International Journal >Application of a risk scoring system to predict surgical adverse events in the management of epithelial ovarian cancers.

Application of a risk scoring system to predict surgical adverse events in the management of epithelial ovarian cancers.


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Inherent in any gynecologic oncology practice are the inevitable surgical complications. Part of counseling patients regarding surgery involves discussion of the potential for perioperative adverse events, yet there remains few established predictors to guide surgeons in assigning specific risk scores. These risks are particularly relevant in the management of epithelial ovarian cancers, where the cornerstone of management remains aggressive surgical cytoreduction. For over 30 years data from nearly every prospective and retrospective study demonstrate a survival benefit for those women left with minimal residual disease after exploratory surgery. Consequently, the majority of gynecologic oncologists treating women with advanced stage ovarian cancers aggressively pursue a maximal cytoreductive effort, often involving complex and advanced surgical techniques. A natural corollary of these increasingly radical procedures, however, is the heightened risk of adverse events.



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