首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of microbiology >Effect of process parameters on succinic acid production in Escherichia coli W3110 and enzymes involved in the reductive tricarboxylic acid cycle.

Effect of process parameters on succinic acid production in Escherichia coli W3110 and enzymes involved in the reductive tricarboxylic acid cycle.


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The effect of process optimization on succinic acid production by Escherichia coli W3110 and on enzymes involved in the reverse tricarboxylic acid cycle was studied. Approximately, 7.02 g L-1 of succinic acid was produced in 60 h at pH 7.0 in 500 mL anaerobic bottles containing 300 mL of the medium, wherein the sucrose concentration was 2.5%, the ratio of tryptone to ammonium hydrogen phosphate was 1:1, and the concentration of magnesium carbon ate was 1.5%. When these optimized fermentation conditions were employed in a 10 L bioreactor, 11.2 g L-1 of succinic acid was produced in 48 h. This is a 10-fold increase in succinic acid production from the initial titer of 0.94 g L-1. This clearly indicates the importance of process optimization, where by manipulating the media composition and production conditions, a remarkable increase in the production of the desired biomolecule can be obtained. The production of succinic acid is a multi-step reaction through the reverse tricarboxylic acid cycle. A linear relationship was observed between succinic acid production and the enzyme activities. The enzyme activities were found to increase in the order phospho-enol-pyruvate carboxylase
机译:研究了工艺优化对大肠杆菌W3110生产琥珀酸和逆三羧酸循环所涉及的酶的影响。在装有300 mL培养基的500 mL厌氧瓶中,于pH值为7.0的条件下,于60小时内,在70 h内产生7.02 g L-1琥珀酸,其中蔗糖浓度为2.5%,胰蛋白to与磷酸氢铵的比例为1:1 ,碳酸镁的浓度为1.5%。当在10 L生物反应器中采用这些优化的发酵条件时,在48小时内产生了11.2 g L-1的琥珀酸。与最初滴定度0.94 g L-1相比,琥珀酸产量增加了10倍。这清楚地表明了工艺优化的重要性,其中通过控制培养基的组成和生产条件,可以显着提高所需生物分子的产量。琥珀酸的生产是通过反向三羧酸循环的多步反应。观察到琥珀酸产生与酶活性之间存在线性关系。发现酶活性以磷酸-烯醇-丙酮酸羧化酶<苹果酸脱氢酶<富马酸酶<富马酸还原酶的顺序增加。还估计了磷酸烯醇丙酮酸羧激酶的活性。结果表明,该酶不是琥珀酸生产中的非常活跃的参与者,因为它催化草酰乙酸的磷酸化以产生磷酸烯醇丙酮酸。



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