首页> 外文期刊>Food and Chemical Toxicology: An International Journal Published for the British Industrial Biological Research >Toxicologic evaluation of DHA-rich algal oil: Genotoxicity, acute and subchronic toxicity in rats

Toxicologic evaluation of DHA-rich algal oil: Genotoxicity, acute and subchronic toxicity in rats


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DHA-rich algal oil ONC-T18, tested in a battery of in vitro and in vivo genotoxicity tests, did not show mutagenic or genotoxic potential. The acute oral LD50 in rats has been estimated to be greater than 5000. mg/kg of body weight. In a 90-day subchronic dietary study, administration of DHA-rich algal oil at concentrations of 0, 10,000, 25,000, and 50,000. ppm in the diet for 13. weeks did not produce any significant toxicologic manifestations. The algal oil test article was well tolerated as evidenced by the absence of major treatment-related changes in the general condition and appearance of the rats, neurobehavioral endpoints, growth, feed and water intake, ophthalmoscopic examinations, routine hematology and clinical chemistry parameters, urinalysis, or necropsy findings. The no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) was the highest level fed of 50,000. ppm which is equivalent to 3,305 and 3,679. mg/kg. bw/day, for male and female rats, respectively. The studies were conducted as part of an investigation to examine the safety of DHA-rich algal oil. The results confirm that it possesses a toxicity profile similar to other currently marketed algal oils and support the safety of DHA-rich algal oil for its proposed use in food.
机译:在一系列体外和体内遗传毒性试验中测试了富含DHA的藻油ONC-T18,未显示出诱变或遗传毒性的潜力。据估计,大鼠的急性口服LD50大于5000. mg / kg体重。在一项为期90天的亚慢性饮食研究中,以0、10,000、25,000和50,000的浓​​度施用富含DHA的藻油。 13周饮食中的ppm不会产生任何明显的毒理学表现。通过在大鼠的一般状况和外观,神经行为终点,生长,饲料和水摄入,检眼镜,常规血液学和临床化学参数,尿液分析方面没有与治疗相关的重大变化,证明了藻油测试物品的耐受性良好或尸检结果。未观察到的不良反应水平(NOAEL)是50,000饲喂的最高水平。 ppm,相当于3,305和3,679。毫克/千克体重/天,分别针对雄性和雌性大鼠。这些研究是调查富含DHA的藻油安全性调查的一部分。结果证实,它具有与目前市场上出售的其他藻油相似的毒性,并支持富含DHA的藻油在食品中的安全性。



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