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GRAPE DISEASES drag down wine quality


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Merlot wines from diseased fruit were lower in anthocyanins, phenolics, tannins, and alcohol. The effects of grapevine leafroll disease and other viruses on wine quality are real, not some vague generalities. Growers can easily see physical symptoms and notice production losses from viruses through declining yields, but declining wine quality often is not as easily noticed because vines maybe symptomless, and good and bad grapes are mixed together during crush. Washington State University plant pathologist Dr. Naidu Rayapati has collected extensive yield, fruit, and wine quality data in the last four years in side-by-side studies of diseased and normal vines in the same block, from different appellations, and of various cultivars. The results of hisstudies, the first of their kind, showed just how devastating grape leafroll and other viruses can be to Washington State vineyards.
机译:患病水果的梅洛葡萄酒中的花青素,酚类,单宁和酒精含量较低。葡萄卷叶病和其他病毒对葡萄酒质量的影响是真实的,而不是一些模糊的概括。种植者可以很容易地看到身体症状,并注意到由于产量下降而引起的病毒减产,但是由于葡萄藤可能没有症状,并且好坏葡萄在压榨过程中混合在一起,所以葡萄酒质量下降通常不那么容易被注意到。华盛顿州立大学植物病理学家Naidu Rayapati博士在过去四年中通过对不同产区和不同品种的同一块地中的病藤和正常藤进行并行研究,收集了广泛的产量,水果和葡萄酒质量数据。首次的历史研究结果表明,华盛顿州的葡萄园对葡萄的卷叶病和其他病毒的破坏性如何。



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