首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology >Exploring the link between pholcodine exposure and neuromuscular blocking agent anaphylaxis

Exploring the link between pholcodine exposure and neuromuscular blocking agent anaphylaxis


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Neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs) are the most commonly implicated drugs in IgE-mediated anaphylaxis during anaesthesia that can lead to perioperative morbidity and mortality. The rate of NMBA anaphylaxis shows marked geographical variation in patients who have had no known prior exposure to NMBAs, suggesting that there may be external or environmental factors that contribute to the underlying aetiology and pathophysiology of reactions. Substituted ammonium ions are shared among NMBAs and are therefore thought to be the main allergenic determinant of this class of drugs. Substituted ammonium ions are found in a wide variety of chemical structures, including prescription medications, over-the-counter medications and common household chemicals, such as the quaternary ammonium disinfectants. Epidemiological studies have shown parallels in the consumption of pholcodine, a nonprescription antitussive drug which contains a tertiary ammonium ion, and the incidence of NMBA anaphylaxis. This link has prompted the withdrawal of pholcodine in some countries, with an ensuing fall in the observed rate of NMBA anaphylaxis. While such observations are compelling in their suggestion of a relationship between pholcodine exposure and NMBA hypersensitivity, important questions remain regarding the mechanisms by which pholcodine is able to sensitize against NMBAs and whether there are other, as yet unidentified, agents that can elicit similar hypersensitivity reactions. This review aims to explore the evidence linking pholcodine exposure to NMBA hypersensitivity and discuss the implications for our understanding of the pathophysiology of these reactions.
机译:神经肌肉阻滞剂(NMBA)是麻醉期间IgE介导的过敏反应中最常见的药物,可能导致围手术期发病和死亡。 NMBA过敏反应的比率表明,以前没有已知过接触过NMBA的患者存在明显的地域差异,这表明可能存在外部或环境因素,这些因素有助于潜在的病因和反应的病理生理。取代的铵离子在NMBA中共享,因此被认为是此类药物的主要致敏因素。取代的铵离子存在于多种化学结构中,包括处方药,非处方药和常见的家用化学药品,例如季铵消毒剂。流行病学研究显示,在服用Pholcodine(一种含有叔铵离子的非处方镇咳药)和NMBA过敏的发生方面存在相似之处。这一联系促使某些国家撤出了福尔可定,随之而来的NMBA过敏反应率也随之下降。尽管这些观察结果令人信服,表明了盐酸可可碱的暴露与NMBA超敏反应之间的关系,但仍存在一些重要的问题,这些问题涉及盐酸可可碱对NMBAs的致敏机制以及是否存在其他可引起类似的超敏反应的药物(尚未确定)。 。这篇综述的目的是探索将氨酚碱与NMBA过敏相关的证据,并讨论对我们理解这些反应的病理生理学的意义。



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