首页> 外文期刊>European journal of ophthalmology >Upregulation of ICAM-1 expression in the conjunctiva of patients with chronic graft-versus-host disease.

Upregulation of ICAM-1 expression in the conjunctiva of patients with chronic graft-versus-host disease.


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PURPOSE: To correlate conjunctival intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) expression with cytologic and clinical findings of chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). METHODS: Seven patients with chronic GVHD-related keratoconjunctivitis and five age-matched normal controls were recruited for the study. Clinical examination included medical history, visual acuity, evaluation of ocular signs and symptoms (scored from 0 to 3), corneal fluorescein staining (scored from 0 to 5 on the basis of the number of corneal sectors involved), Schirmer test type I, and break-up time (BUT). Impression cytology samples were collected from the nasal and inferior bulbar conjunctiva of patients and controls. Goblet cells were counted in three randomly selected fields and averaged. Immunofluorescent staining for ICAM-1 was carried out and the percentage of cells expressing the marker was evaluated. RESULTS: All patients showed signs and symptoms of keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Schirmer test type I and BUT were reduced (4.8+/-6.7 mm/5 min and 3.9+/-2.7 seconds, respectively). Goblet cells were significantly reduced in GVHD eyes with respect to normal eyes (65+/-30.5 and 192+/-16.9 cells/field respectively; p<0.001). Goblet cell number was directly related to Schirmer test values (p<0.01, rho=0.817) and inversely related to total sign score (p<0.01, rho=-0.939). ICAM-1 expression was increased in GVHD eyes with respect to normal controls, in which no staining was observed. ICAM-1 expression showed an inverse relation to goblet cell number (p<0.01, rho=-0.852) and Schirmer test values (p<0.01, rho=-0.926), and was directly correlated to total sign score (p<0.01, rho=0.982). CONCLUSIONS: Conjunctival ICAM-1 expression is increased in GVHD patients. The severity of the disease is associated with tear parameters, goblet cell decrease, and inflammatory markers, such as ICAM-1.
机译:目的:将结膜间粘附分子1(ICAM-1)的表达与慢性移植物抗宿主病(GVHD)的细胞学和临床发现相关联。方法:招募了7例慢性GVHD相关性角结膜炎患者和5例年龄相匹配的正常对照者。临床检查包括病史,视力,眼部症状和体征评估(从0到3评分),角膜荧光素染色(根据所涉及的角膜扇区数从0到5评分),Schirmer测试类型I和分手时间(BUT)。从患者和对照的鼻和下延髓结膜收集印象细胞学样品。在三个随机选择的区域中计数杯状细胞并取平均值。对ICAM-1进行了免疫荧光染色,并评估了表达标志物的细胞的百分比。结果:所有患者均出现干燥性角结膜炎的体征和症状。 Schirmer试验I型和BUT降低(分别为4.8 +/- 6.7 mm / 5分钟和3.9 +/- 2.7秒)。与正常眼相比,GVHD眼中的杯状细胞显着减少(分别为65 +/- 30.5和192 +/- 16.9个细胞/视野; p <0.001)。杯状细胞数与Schirmer检验值直接相关(p <0.01,rho = 0.817),与总体征得分成反比(p <0.01,rho = -0.939)。相对于未观察到染色的正常对照,GVHD眼中ICAM-1表达增加。 ICAM-1表达与杯状细胞数(p <0.01,rho = -0.852)和Schirmer测试值(p <0.01,rho = -0.926)成反比,并且与总体征评分(p <0.01, rho = 0.982)。结论:GVHD患者结膜ICAM-1表达增加。该疾病的严重程度与泪液参数,杯状细胞减少和炎症标志物(如ICAM-1)有关。



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