首页> 外文期刊>Burns: Including Thermal Injury >Management of burn deformities using tissue expanders: a retrospective comparative analysis between tissue expansion in limb and non-limb sites.

Management of burn deformities using tissue expanders: a retrospective comparative analysis between tissue expansion in limb and non-limb sites.


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The tissue expansion technique is in the armamentaria in reconstructive surgery. It provides donor skin that is an optimal match in terms of skin color, texture, sensation and hair-bearing characteristics. Literature shows its applications in all regions from the head to the feet. Tissue expansion in extremities, however, carries a high rate of complications. Fortunately, not every complication in tissue expansion means failure. OBJECTIVE: A retrospective comparative analysis between tissue expansion in limb and non-limb sites in burn deformities. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty expanders in 53 patients were included. These constitute the experience of a single surgeon. Forty expanders (66.6%) were applied to non-limb sites and 20 expanders (33.3%) to limb sites. Indications of tissue expansion were burn alopecia, scarring and contracture. Complications and failures were recorded. RESULTS: Non-limb expanders had 10% rate of complications and 2.5% of failure. Limb expanders showed 30% complications and 15% failure. Statistical analysis showed that the difference was non-significant at this statistical power. CONCLUSION: The non-significant difference regarding complication and failure rates between limb and non-limb expanders in this study encourages the use of tissue expanders in extremities. Close follow-up of patients will prevent many expanders that develop complications from becoming failures.



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