首页> 外文期刊>Experimental dermatology >Stimulation of Kaposi's sarcoma cell growth by urine from women in early pregnancy, the current source for clinical-grade human chorionic gonadotropin preparations.

Stimulation of Kaposi's sarcoma cell growth by urine from women in early pregnancy, the current source for clinical-grade human chorionic gonadotropin preparations.


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Clinical-grade preparations of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) have been shown to be toxic to Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) cells. However, the results of clinical studies using commercial hCG preparations KS remain highly contradictory. More particularly, some hCG preparations could have a paradoxical growth effect on KS. Such discrepant results may be explained by the fact that the anti-KS activity is not associated with hCG itself but with one or more factors that are co-purified with the hormone. We found here that crude urine from first trimester pregnant women, the current source for commercial hCG, had a growth stimulatory effect on KS cells. By contrast, urine from last trimester pregnant women, from non-pregnant young women, from menopausal women and from men exhibited neither a growth stimulatory nor a growth inhibitory effect on KS cells. The amplitude of this pregnancy urine-associated pro-KS activity/hCG unit was higher than that achieved with clinical-grade hCG preparations. Partial co-purification of pregnancy-associated factors during the extraction procedure of commercial hCG from urine may explain the pro-KS activity achieved with some hCG preparations. We, therefore, suggest a cautious use of hCG purified from pregnancy urine for the treatment of KS.
机译:人类绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)的临床级制剂已显示出对卡波西氏肉瘤(KS)细胞有毒性。但是,使用商业化的hCG制剂KS进行临床研究的结果仍然高度矛盾。更具体地说,某些hCG制剂可能对KS具有反常的生长作用。这样的差异结果可以通过以下事实来解释,即抗KS活性与hCG本身无关,而与与激素共同纯化的一种或多种因子有关。我们在这里发现,早孕孕妇的粗尿液(目前商业化的hCG来源)对KS细胞具有生长刺激作用。相比之下,来自上三个月的孕妇,未怀孕的年轻女性,更年期的女性和男性的尿液对KS细胞既没有生长刺激作用,也没有生长抑制作用。与妊娠尿相关的pro-KS活性/ hCG单位的振幅高于临床级hCG制剂的振幅。在从尿液中提取商业hCG的过程中,与妊娠相关因子的部分共纯化可能解释了某些hCG制剂可实现pro-KS活性。因此,我们建议谨慎使用从妊娠尿液中纯化的hCG来治疗KS。



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