首页> 外文期刊>European journal of anaesthesiology >Perioperative intravenous adenosine infusion to extend postoperative analgesia in brachial plexus block.

Perioperative intravenous adenosine infusion to extend postoperative analgesia in brachial plexus block.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Adenosine infusions have been shown to reduce requirements of anaesthetics, to decrease the need for postoperative analgesics and to attenuate hyperaesthesia related to neuropathic pain. We decided to investigate the effects, beneficial or otherwise, of an adenosine infusion administered during surgery. A brachial plexus block was used to produce anaesthesia for the surgery. METHODS: Sixty adults undergoing upper extremity surgery were included in the study. Brachial plexus block was performed via an axillary approach with lidocaine 1.25% and epinephrine 1/200 000 (40 mL). Patients were randomly assigned to two groups. During surgery, saline (control) or adenosine 80 microg kg min was infused intravenously in a double-blind fashion for 1 h. Visual analogue scores every 4 h, analgesic consumption, time to first spontaneous pain sensation, time to first rescue analgesic and adverse effects were noted during the first 24 h. RESULTS: Vital signs were stable in both groups throughout surgery. During the adenosine infusion, one patient fainted while another complained of palpitations and tightness of the chest; both patients were excluded from further analyses. The time to first sensation of pain was significantly longer in the adenosine group compared to the control group (438 +/- 387 vs. 290 +/- 227 min, P = 0.02). The time to first rescue analgesic, the visual analogue scale scores and analgesic consumption in the postoperative period were similar. CONCLUSIONS: In patients undergoing surgery with an axillary plexus block, a perioperative adenosine infusion prolongs the duration of postoperative analgesia to some extent. However, the time to first rescue analgesic, total analgesic requirements and pain scores were unchanged; the risk of potentially serious adverse effects is high. This therapy cannot be recommended.
机译:背景与目的:腺苷输注可减少麻醉药的需求,减少术后镇痛药的需要,并减轻与神经性疼痛有关的麻醉过度。我们决定研究在手术期间给予腺苷输注的有益效果或其他效果。臂丛神经阻滞用于手术麻醉。方法:本研究包括60例接受上肢手术的成人。臂丛神经阻滞通过腋窝入路进行,利多卡因为1.25%,肾上腺素为1/200 000(40 mL)。将患者随机分为两组。在手术过程中,以双盲方式静脉输注生理盐水(对照)或每分钟80微克kg的腺苷1 h。在最初的24小时内记录每4小时的视觉模拟评分,镇痛药的消耗量,第一次自发性止痛的时间,第一次抢救性镇痛的时间和不良反应。结果:两组患者在整个手术过程中生命体征稳定。在腺苷输注过程中,一名患者晕倒,另一名患者主诉心和胸闷。两名患者均被排除在进一步分析之外。与对照组相比,腺苷组首次感觉到疼痛的时间明显更长(438 +/- 387 vs. 290 +/- 227 min,P = 0.02)。术后首次使用镇痛剂的时间,视觉模拟量表评分和镇痛剂消耗量相似。结论:在接受腋窝神经丛阻滞手术的患者中,围手术期腺苷输注会在一定程度上延长术后镇痛的持续时间。但是,首次施行止痛的时间,总止痛要求和疼痛评分没有变化;潜在的严重不良影响的风险很高。不推荐这种疗法。



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