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Gunter Tembrock - a Pioneer of Behavioural Biology Who Understood the Language of Animals

机译:Gunter Tembrock-行为生物学的先驱,他理解动物的语言

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When Katharina Heinroth brought him a red fox to observe in 1948, his career was launched. Despite the wide range of animals, including humans, that Günter Tembrock studied in the course of his long career, he remained ‘the man with the foxes’, as Konrad Lorenz always referred to him. Although a generation younger than Lorenz, it was Tembrock who founded the first ethological research institute in Germany. During the period of rebuilding after WWII, Tembrock seized the opportunity in Berlin and established his Forschungsst?tte für Tierpsychologie at Humboldt University in September 1948, using a grant from the German Academy of Sciences. Under the old-fashioned name Tierpsychologie (animal psychology) he developed a complex research programme, reaching further than the concepts of comparative ethology, but anticipating what later would be called behavioural ecology.
机译:当凯瑟琳娜·海因罗斯(Katharina Heinroth)于1948年为他带来一只赤狐进行观察时,他的事业便开始了。尽管昆特·滕布罗克(GünterTembrock)在其漫长的职业生涯中研究了各种各样的动物,包括人类,但他仍然是“有狐狸的人”,正如Konrad Lorenz经常提到的那样。尽管比洛伦兹年轻一代,但还是由Tembrock创立了德国第一家行为学研究所。在第二次世界大战后的重建期间,Tembrock抓住了机会在柏林,并利用德国科学院的资助,于1948年9月在洪堡大学建立了他的心理学家Forschungsst?ttefürTierpsychologie。他以老式的Tierpsychologie(动物心理学)的名字制定了一个复杂的研究计划,其范围比比较伦理学的概念要广,但可以预见到后来的行为生态学。



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