首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Dairy Technology >Detection of milk fat adulteration with admixture of foreign oils and fats using a fractionation technique and the apparent solidification time test.

Detection of milk fat adulteration with admixture of foreign oils and fats using a fractionation technique and the apparent solidification time test.


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A fractionation technique followed by the apparent solidification time (AST) test was adopted for detecting the admixture of foreign oils and fats in milk fat. The AST values of the solid fraction obtained at 20 degrees C, and solid and liquid fractions obtained at 18 degrees C for pure cow milk fat, were 2 min 30 s, and 3 min 21 s and 3 min 31 s, while for buffalo milk fat they were 1 min 58 s, and 2 min 47 s and 3 min 10 s respectively. This new approach can detect some mixtures of foreign oils and fats in cow milk fat but not in buffalo milk fat. (c) 2010 Society of Dairy Technology.
机译:采用分馏技术,然后通过表观固化时间(AST)测试来检测乳脂中外来油脂的混合物。对于纯牛奶脂肪,在20摄氏度下获得的固体部分和在18摄氏度下获得的固体和液体部分的AST值分别为2分30秒,3分21秒和3分31秒,而水牛乳分胖分别是1分钟58 s,2分钟47 s和3分钟10 s。这种新方法可以检测出牛奶脂肪中的某些外国油脂混合物,而水牛乳脂肪中则没有。 (c)2010年奶业技术学会。



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