首页> 外文期刊>Egyptian Journal of Microbiology >Studies on Incidence and Prevention of Nosocomial Infection of Urinary Tract Endoscopies by Different Antimicrobial Agents

Studies on Incidence and Prevention of Nosocomial Infection of Urinary Tract Endoscopies by Different Antimicrobial Agents


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THIRTY FIVE bacterial isolates were collected from urine and blood samples of 20 patients, before and after endoscopy examination, in new Surgical Hospitals , Zagazig University Hospital, Zagazig, Egypt. Antibiotic susceptibility profile of purified bacteria revealed four multi-resistant strains identified as Staphylococcus aureus Zagll, Pseudomonas aeruginosa Zag60, Escherichia coli ZagI26 and Staphylococcus epidermidis Zagl28. The four selected bacteria were subjected to some disinfectants (glutaraldehyde, hydrogen peroxide, P3-oxonia and Orthophthaladehyde) at different concentrations and different exposure times. It was observed that 10 min were enough to inhibit growth of tested pathogenic bacteria in case of (8% H202 & 0.55% orthophthaladehyde) while completely inhibition was recorded after 15min in case of (2.2% glutaraldehyde, 70% ethanoi and 0.45% P3-oxonia). Sterile urinary tract endoscopy was artificially contaminated with mixture (1:1:1:1:1:1) of six clinical pathogenic bacterial strains comparing with the four tested bacterial strains. Upon exposing the contaminated endoscope to different chemical disinfectants; 8% hydrogen peroxide and 0.55% Orthophthalaldehyde inhibited after 30 min exposure while 2.2% Glutaraldehyde, 0.45% P3-oxonia and 70% Ethanoi needed 60 min for complete bacterial inhibition. Upon exposure of artificially contaminated endoscope to different physical agents (U.V, y- rays and dry hot air), Gamma rays showed maximum inhibitory action.



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