首页> 外文期刊>International journal of psychophysiology: official journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology >Hostility, emotional expression, and hemodynamic responses to laboratory stressors: Reactivity attenuating effects of a tendency to express emotion interpersonally.

Hostility, emotional expression, and hemodynamic responses to laboratory stressors: Reactivity attenuating effects of a tendency to express emotion interpersonally.


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The present study examined the interactive effects of hostility and a predisposition towards emotional expression or suppression in interpersonal situations. We also attempted to partially replicate findings from a recent investigation which provided evidence of lower myocardial and greater vascular responses in high-hostile relative to low-hostile individuals. Undergraduate students (n=99) participated in a protocol consisting of rest periods, speech preparation and presentation, a social-evaluative mental arithmetic task, and a stress interview. After classifying participants into high/low hostility by high/low interpersonal emotional expression groups using median-splits, high-hostile individuals showed lower HR and SBP responses to speech preparation and reported greater threat appraisal and negative affect than low-hostile participants. High-hostile interpersonal expressors and male interpersonal expressors displayed lower DBP and TPR reactivity, respectively, than high-hostile or male suppressors. High-hostile expressors also reported lower levels of positive affect than high-hostile suppressors, and expressors reported lower threat appraisals than suppressors, irrespective of hostility. Findings are discussed in terms of an absence of conflict or ambivalence over interpersonal emotional expression for high-hostile expressors and are suggestive of potential health benefits of expressing emotion interpersonally for at-risk groups.
机译:本研究研究了敌对情绪的交互作用以及在人际关系中对情绪表达或压抑的倾向。我们还尝试部分复制最近一项调查的发现,这些发现提供了相对于低敌对个体,在高敌对状态下较低的心肌和较大的血管反应的证据。本科生(n = 99)参加了一项协议,包括休息时间,演讲准备和演讲,社交评估心理算术任务以及压力面试。在通过中位数分裂将高/低人际情感表达组将参加者划分为高/低敌对之后,高敌对个体对言语准备表现出较低的HR和SBP反应,并且比低敌对参加者表现出更大的威胁评估和负面影响。高敌对人际表达者和男性人际表达者分别显示出比高敌对或男性抑制者低的DBP和TPR反应性。高敌对表达者的积极影响水平也低于高敌对抑制者,而表达者报告的威胁评估也低于高抑制者,而与敌对无关。讨论的结果是针对高敌对表达者的人际情感表达没有冲突或模棱两可的,并暗示了对处于危险中的人群进行人际表达的潜在健康益处。



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