首页> 外文期刊>International journal of stroke: official journal of the International Stroke Society >Short-duration hypothermia after ischemic stroke prevents delayed intracranial pressure rise

Short-duration hypothermia after ischemic stroke prevents delayed intracranial pressure rise


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Background: Intracranial pressure elevation, peaking three to seven post-stroke is well recognized following large strokes. Data following small-moderate stroke are limited. Therapeutic hypothermia improves outcome after cardiac arrest, is strongly neuroprotective in experimental stroke, and is under clinical trial in stroke. Hypothermia lowers elevated intracranial pressure; however, rebound intracranial pressure elevation and neurological deterioration may occur during rewarming. Hypotheses: (1) Intracranial pressure increases 24h after moderate and small strokes. (2) Short-duration hypothermia-rewarming, instituted before intracranial pressure elevation, prevents this 24h intracranial pressure elevation. Methods: Long-Evans rats with two hour middle cerebral artery occlusion or outbred Wistar rats with three hour middle cerebral artery occlusion had intracranial pressure measured at baseline and 24h. Wistars were randomized to 2·5h hypothermia (32·5°C) or normothermia, commencing 1h after stroke. Results: In Long-Evans rats (n=5), intracranial pressure increased from 10·9±4·6mmHg at baseline to 32·4±11·4mmHg at 24h, infarct volume was 84·3±15·9mm3. In normothermic Wistars (n=10), intracranial pressure increased from 6·7±2·3mmHg to 31·6±9·3mmHg, infarct volume was 31·3±18·4mm3. In hypothermia-treated Wistars (n=10), 24h intracranial pressure did not increase (7·0±2·8mmHg, P0·001 vs. normothermia), and infarct volume was smaller (15·4±11·8mm3, P0·05). Conclusions: We saw major intracranial pressure elevation 24h after stroke in two rat strains, even after small strokes. Short-duration hypothermia prevented the intracranial pressure rise, an effect sustained for at least 18h after rewarming. The findings have potentially important implications for design of future clinical trials.
机译:背景:大卒中后颅内压升高,在卒中后三至七个峰值达到公认。中小行程后的数据是有限的。低温治疗可改善心脏骤停后的结局,在实验性中风中具有强烈的神经保护作用,并且正在中风中进行临床试验。体温过低可降低颅内压升高;然而,在温热过程中可能会发生颅内反弹压升高和神经功能恶化。假设:(1)中小卒中后24h颅内压升高。 (2)在颅内压升高之前进行的短期低温降温预备,可防止这种24小时颅内压升高。方法:在大脑中动脉闭塞2小时的Long-Evans大鼠或大脑中动脉闭塞3小时的远距离Wistar大鼠在基线和24h测量颅内压。从中风后1小时开始,将Wistars随机分为2·5h体温过低(32·5°C)或体温正常。结果:在Long-Evans大鼠(n = 5)中,颅内压从基线时的10·9±4·6mmHg增加到24h时的32·4±11·4mmHg,梗死体积为84·3±15·9mm3。在常温Wistars(n = 10)中,颅内压从6·7±2·3mmHg增加到31·6±9·3mmHg,梗塞体积为31·3±18·4mm3。在接受低温治疗的Wistars(n = 10)中,24h颅内压没有升高(7·0±2·8mmHg,相对于正常体温P <0·001),梗死体积更小(15·4±11·8mm3, P <0·05)。结论:在两只大鼠中风后24小时,即使在小中风后,我们也发现颅内压显着升高。短期低温可防止颅内压升高,这种作用在复温后至少持续了18h。这些发现对于未来的临床试验设计具有潜在的重要意义。



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