首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism: Official Journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism >Intracranial pressure elevation after ischemic stroke in rats: cerebral edema is not the only cause, and short-duration mild hypothermia is a highly effective preventive therapy

Intracranial pressure elevation after ischemic stroke in rats: cerebral edema is not the only cause, and short-duration mild hypothermia is a highly effective preventive therapy


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In both the human and animal literature, it has largely been assumed that edema is the primary cause of intracranial pressure (ICP) elevation after stroke and that more edema equates to higher ICP. We recently demonstrated a dramatic ICP elevation 24 hours after small ischemic strokes in rats, with minimal edema. This ICP elevation was completely prevented by short-duration moderate hypothermia soon after stroke. Here, our aims were to determine the importance of edema in ICP elevation after stroke and whether mild hypothermia could prevent the ICP rise. Experimental stroke was performed in rats. ICP was monitored and shortduration mild (35 degrees C) or moderate (32.5 degrees C) hypothermia, or normothermia (37 degrees C) was induced after stroke onset. Edema was measured in three studies, using wet-dry weight calculations, T-2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging, or histology. ICP increased 24 hours after stroke onset in all normothermic animals. Short-duration mild or moderate hypothermia prevented this rise. No correlation was seen between.ICP and edema or infarct volumes. Calculated rates of edema growth were orders of magnitude less than normal cerebrospinal fluid production rates. These data challenge current concepts and suggest that factors other than cerebral edema are the primary cause of the ICP elevation 24 hours after stroke onset.
机译:在人类和动物文献中,都已广泛假设水肿是中风后颅内压(ICP)升高的主要原因,并且更多的水肿等于更高的ICP。最近,我们证明了大鼠小缺血性卒中后24小时内ICP急剧升高,水肿极小。卒中后不久的短期中度体温过低完全防止了ICP升高。在这里,我们的目的是确定水肿对卒中后ICP升高的重要性,以及轻度的低温是否可以防止ICP升高。在大鼠中进行实验性中风。监测ICP,并在卒中后诱发短暂的轻度(35摄氏度)或中度(32.5摄氏度)低温或正常体温(37摄氏度)。在三项研究中使用干湿重计算,T-2加权磁共振成像或组织学对水肿进行了测量。所有正常体温动物中风发作后24小时ICP均升高。短期持续的轻度或中度体温过低阻止了这种升高。 ICP与水肿或梗死体积无相关性。计算得出的水肿增长速率比正常的脑脊髓液生产率低几个数量级。这些数据挑战了当前的观念,表明除脑水肿以外的其他因素是卒中发作后24小时ICP升高的主要原因。


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