首页> 外文期刊>International journal of rehabilitation research: Internationale Zeitschrift fur Rehabilitationsforschungon >Cognitive behaviour modification: a technique for teaching subtraction skills to hearing and deaf/hard-of-hearing elementary students.

Cognitive behaviour modification: a technique for teaching subtraction skills to hearing and deaf/hard-of-hearing elementary students.


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The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of using the Cognitive Behaviour Modification (CBM) technique on the subtraction skills of third grade hearing and deaf/hard-of-hearing students. The results indicated that the CBM deaf/hard-of-hearing students and the CBM and non-CBM hearing students made more progress in solving the subtraction problems than the non-CBM deaf/hard-of-hearing students. The results also showed that there were no significant differences between the CBM deaf/hard-of-hearing and the non-CBM hearing students; and there were no significant differences between the CBM and non-CBM hearing students. The results revealed that the CBM hearing students achieved significantly higher post-test scores than the CBM deaf/hard-of-hearing students. However, the CBM deaf/hard-of-hearing students obtained a significantly higher gain score compared to the CBM and non-CBM hearing students. Implications for teachers and suggestions for future research are discussed in this paper.
机译:这项研究的目的是研究使用认知行为修饰(CBM)技术对三年级听力和聋/重听学生的减法技巧的影响。结果表明,与非CBM聋/听力困难的学生相比,CBM聋/听力困难的学生以及CBM和非CBM听力学生在解决减法问题上取得了更大的进步。结果还表明,CBM聋/听力困难的学生和非CBM听力学生之间没有显着差异; CBM和非CBM听力学生之间没有显着差异。结果显示,与CBM聋/听力困难的学生相比,CBM听力学生的测验分数要高得多。但是,与CBM和非CBM听力的学生相比,CBM聋/听力困难的学生获得了明显更高的得分。本文讨论了对教师的启示和对未来研究的建议。



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