首页> 外文期刊>International journal of mathematics >Diagonalization modulo norm ideals and Hausdorff dimensionality

Diagonalization modulo norm ideals and Hausdorff dimensionality


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Kuroda's version of the Weyl-von Neumann theorem asserts that, given any norm ideal C not contained in the trace class C-1, every self-adjoint operator A admits the decomposition A = D + K, where D is a self-adjoint diagonal operator and K is an element of C. We extend this theorem to the setting of multiplication operators on compact metric spaces (X, d). We show that if mu is a regular Borel measure on X which has a sigma -finite one-dimensional Hausdorff measure, then the family (M-f: f is an element of Lip(X)} of multiplication operators on L-2(X, mu) can be simultaneously diagonalized module any C not equal C-1. Because the condition C not equal C-1 in general cannot be dropped (Kato-Rosenblum theorem), this establishes a special relation between C-1 and the one-dimensional Hausdorff measure. The main result of the paper is that such a relation breaks down in Hausdorff dimensions p > 1. [References: 19]
机译:Kuroda的Weyl-von Neumann定理的版本断言,给定迹线类C-1中未包含的任何范式理想C,每个自伴随算子A都接受分解A = D + K,其中D是自伴随对角线运算符,K是C的元素。我们将此定理扩展到紧度量空间(X,d)上乘法运算符的设置。我们证明,如果mu是X上的一个常规Borel度量,并且具有sigma有限的一维Hausdorff度量,则该族(Mf:f是L-2(X,可以同时对角模化任何不等于C-1的C.因为条件C不等于C-1通常不能舍弃(Kato-Rosenblum定理),所以这在C-1和一维之间建立了特殊的关系Hausdorff测度。本文的主要结果是,这种关系在Hausdorff尺寸p> 1时被打破。[参考文献:19]



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