首页> 外文期刊>International journal of infectious diseases: IJID : official publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases >Spread of HIV in one village in central China with a high prevalence rate of blood-borne AIDS.

Spread of HIV in one village in central China with a high prevalence rate of blood-borne AIDS.


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OBJECTIVES: To determine the state of HIV infection, its secular trends and influencing factors in a village central China with a high prevalence rate of blood-borne AIDS. METHODS: HIV screening in WY village was carried out. RESULTS: The rate of paid blood donors in WY village was found to be 36.3% (466/1285). The HIV infection rate was 15.3% (197/1285). Among 197 HIV positive cases, 80 (40.6%) were infected through paid blood donation, four (2.0%) were infected through sexual activity, seven cases (3.6%) were infected through mother-to-child transmission, one case (0.5%) was infected through transfusion, and one (0.5%) was infected through nosocomial infection. In 100 cases (50.8%) the infection route could not be identified, however, based on their history of paid blood donation, their age, and the chance of becoming infected with HIV through paid blood donation, it is likely that most of these 100 cases were infected by paid blood donation. In the final four cases the method of transmission could not be determined. Of the infected women of reproductive age only 1.9% (2/103) had the intention to conceive. In the cases of HIV status conflicting spouses, 51.7% (30/58) did not consistently use condoms. CONCLUSIONS: The main route of HIV transmission was found to have been paid blood donation in the past, and will be by sexual means in the future.
机译:目的:确定中国中部一个血友病流行率很高的乡村的艾滋病毒感染状况,长期趋势和影响因素。方法:在WY村进行HIV筛查。结果:WY村的有偿献血者比例为36.3%(466/1285)。 HIV感染率为15.3%(197/1285)。在197例HIV阳性病例中,有80(40.6%)是通过有偿献血感染的,4(2.0%)是通过性活动感染的,7例(3.6%)是通过母婴传播的,1例(0.5%) )通过输血感染,其中一例(0.5%)通过医院感染被感染。在100例病例(50.8%)中,无法确定感染途径,但是,根据他们的有偿献血史,年龄和年龄,以及通过有偿献血感染HIV的机会,这100例中的大多数病例通过有偿献血感染。在最后四种情况下,无法确定传输方法。在育龄的受感染妇女中,只有1.9%(2/103)有受孕的意愿。在艾滋病毒感染者与配偶发生冲突的情况下,有51.7%(30/58)的人未始终使用安全套。结论:过去发现艾滋病毒传播的主要途径是无偿献血,将来将通过性手段进行。



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