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Medicinal agent and mode of prevention of HIV contamination, prevention and treatment of diseases caused by HIV and HIV-associated diseases including AIDS.



The medicinal agent for the prevention of HIV contamination, prevention and treatment of the diseases caused by HIV or HIV-associated diseases including AIDS contains activated-potentiated form of antibodies to the protein or peptide of the immune system which interacts with HIV or its content and/or functional activity changes in relation with the contamination of HIV. Meanwhile, in the prevention method of HIV contamination, prevention and treatment of the diseases caused by HIV or HIV-associated diseases, including AIDS, the activated-potentiated form of antibodies to antigen - protein or peptide of the immune system, which interacts with HIV or its content and/or functional activity changes in relation to HIV contamination, is used.
机译:用于预防HIV污染,预防和治疗由HIV或与HIV相关的疾病(包括AIDS)引起的疾病的药物包含与HIV或其内容物相互作用的免疫系统蛋白质或肽的抗体的活化增强形式。 /或与HIV感染有关的功能活动发生变化。同时,在预防HIV污染的方法中,预防和治疗由HIV或与艾滋病相关的疾病(包括艾滋病)引起的疾病,是与HIV相互作用的抗原-蛋白质或免疫系统肽的抗体的活化增强形式。或使用其含量和/或功能活动与HIV污染有关的变化。



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