首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Applied Engineering Research >Basic priorities of innovative development Russian regions

Basic priorities of innovative development Russian regions


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Innovation, as an integral part of the economy of the region, should ensure the transformation of economic relations and forms of management, to rebuild and transform the productive forces, property relations, in order to improve the quality of life of the population. Support of innovative development is possible by the revitalization of business organizations in the region that, in the presence of a favorable business climate, tend to use social innovation and form the basis of sustainable economic growth in the region. The development of business structures is the locomotive of development of region's economy on the path of development of innovative potential. Ensuring a favourable business climate is the Foundation of the steady development of innovation. It is essential to solve problems of search of effective mechanism of intra-regional interactions. The task of regional authorities is to promote the creation of clusters, forming PTC, around the main "locomotives" of regional business. An important place in the formation of these interactions belongs to the transport infrastructure, the development of which are strongly influenced entrepreneurial activity in the region. To perform basic tasks associated with ensuring the sustained development of regional economy encouraged the formation of industrial and transport cluster complexes and methodology of the management based on the cluster approach. Industrial and transport cluster complex of the region is a system of industrial clusters in the region in collaboration with the transport cluster in the same region. From this perspective, the development of industrial and transport cluster complex (PTC) of the region implies the improvement of the system of interactions between clusters of the region. Based on this proposed approach and some methodological recommendations we reasonably proposed strategic directions of development of PTC in the region on the basis of the cluster approach, combining in a single system of relations between industrial and transport clusters in the region. Tool to combine resources for the implementation of intersectoral innovation act transportation and distribution centers (TEC) in the region. Distribution the role of the PTC and the shopping center inside region plays the key role in defining the geography of channels of cooperation of industrial enterprises of the region with other regions that is today the most actual. Thus, in addition to solving the problem of optimization of cargo transportation, we will get a ready distribution network for new technical and constructional solutions that will be able to generate business structure as a result of the availability of resources in the region. The essence of the cluster approach confined to the development of the innovation component of the cluster organization of industrial relations in the region. Returning to the issues of entrepreneurship development on the basis of the theory of clusters, it should be clarified that due to the limited initial (produced, generated) resource formed the production system of the region of the PTC and the shopping center, get exclusive access to a work with Quatermain resource. These patterns and give points of growth of innovative activity of the region, they will contribute to outputs of products that have complex manufacturing processing, which corresponds to the concept of withdrawal from a raw orientation of economy of regions.



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