
Coronary risks among seafarers aboard German-flagged ships.


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OBJECTIVES: Cardiovascular diseases belong to the major causes of maritime service disablement (approximately 18%). The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of coronary risk factors in seamen on vessels sailing under the German flag and to assess the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) dependent on job-related factors. METHODS: Within a medical surveillance program, a cross-sectional study with interview, blood sampling, and blood pressure measurements was conducted among a total of 205 male seafarers sailing under the German flag (response 84.9%). Due to missing blood analysis, 13 seamen were excluded. The predicted 10-year risk of an acute coronary event of a study subgroup of 45 German seafarers was compared to the corresponding risk of a sample of the German working population (PROCAM study). RESULTS: In the total sample (n = 161), 55 seamen (34.2%) had at least three CHD risk factors. The most prominent independent CHD risk factors in seafarers were hypertension (49.7%), high triglycerides (41.6%), older age (39.8%), and smoking (37.3%). Compared with non-Europeans, European seafarers were about twice as likely to have more than three risk factors after adjusting for age [OR 2.4 (95% CI 1.01-4.55)]. Particularly engine room officers and galley/operating staff were at a higher coronary risk. After standardizing for age, the German seamen investigated showed a similar predicted 10-year CHD risk as the German population of about the same age working ashore of the PROCAM study. CONCLUSIONS: The CHD risks in seafarers should be reduced by low-fat diets, anti-smoking campaigns and blood pressure control/treatment. In spite of the seafarers' regular medical surveillance examination, their CHD risk was comparable to a reference population working ashore. Our results support the hypothesis that working on vessels may augment the risk of CHD.
机译:目的:心血管疾病是造成海上服务丧失的主要原因(约18%)。这项研究的目的是调查在德国国旗下航行的船舶上海员中冠心病危险因素的频率,并评估与工作相关的因素所致的冠心病(CHD)风险。方法:在医疗监视程序中,对总共205名在德国国旗下航行的男性海员进行了访谈,血液采样和血压测量的横断面研究(回应率为84.9%)。由于缺少血液分析,因此排除了13名海员。将45名德国海员的研究亚组的预测的10年急性冠状动脉事件风险与德国工作人口样本的相应风险进行了比较(PROCAM研究)。结果:在全部样本(n = 161)中,有55名海员(34.2%)具有至少三种冠心病危险因素。海员中最主要的独立冠心病危险因素是高血压(49.7%),高甘油三酸酯(41.6%),老年(39.8%)和吸烟(37.3%)。与非欧洲人相比,调整年龄后,欧洲海员患三个以上危险因素的可能性约为两倍[OR 2.4(95%CI 1.01-4.55)]。特别是机房管理人员和厨房/操作人员的冠心病风险更高。在对年龄进行标准化之后,接受调查的德国海员显示出与PROCAM研究中在岸上工作的大约相同年龄的德国人口相似的预计10年冠心病风险。结论:应通过低脂饮食,禁烟运动和血压控制/治疗降低海员冠心病的风险。尽管对海员进行了定期的医学监督检查,但他们的冠心病风险与在岸工作的参考人群相当。我们的结果支持以下假设:在血管上工作可能会增加冠心病的风险。



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