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Newborn twins of neuropathology education.


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Given that the Brain Pathology readership is keenly interested in Neuropathology education, I hope that you can forgive the brief bit of shameless self promotion and somewhat twisted sense of humor below, but by the time this notice is published, two of my largest undertakings to date will be newly published. As both projects have taken up huge portions of my time, effort, and passion over the last 3 years, I feel in some ways like an expectant father of fraternal twins with an unusually long gestation. With this in mind, it is by far the most significant news that I can share with you at this time. Twin A is a textbook to be named "Practical Surgical Neuropathology", the godfather being the publisher Elsevier. Twin B is a CD named "Neuropathology Songs" that has been incubating mostly in a recording studio. Based on high-resolution ultrasound studies, it appears that twin A is the serious, dependable brother, while twin B is the more free-spirited, highly creative sister. I've already showered them both with nurturing love and guidance, hoping that they will make me proud once they are set loose on the world.
机译:鉴于脑病理学的读者对神经病理学教育非常感兴趣,我希望您能原谅以下简短的无耻自我提升和有点扭曲的幽默感,但是到本通知发布之时,这是我迄今为止最大的两项工作将被新发布。在过去的三年中,由于这两个项目占用了我大量的时间,精力和激情,因此我在某种程度上感觉就像是异卵双胞胎的准父亲,有着异常长的妊娠期。考虑到这一点,这是迄今为止我可以与您分享的最重要的新闻。 Twin A是一本名为“实用外科神经病理学”的教科书,教父是出版商Elsevier。 Twin B是一张名为“ Neuropathology Songs”的CD,该唱片已经在录音棚中广泛使用。根据高分辨率的超声研究,似乎双胞胎A是一个认真可靠的兄弟,而双胞胎B是一个更加自由奔放,极富创造力的姐妹。我已经用养育自己的爱和指导来给他们洗礼,希望他们在世界上散开后会令我感到骄傲。



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