
Lorentz surfaces with constant curvature and their physical interpretation


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In recent years it has been recognized that the hyperbolic numbers (an extension of complex numbers, defined as {z = x + hy; h~2 = 1 x,y ∈ R, h R}) can be associated to space-time geometry as stated by the Lorentz transformations of special relativity. In this paper we show that as the complex numbers had allowed the most complete and conclusive mathematical normalization of the constant-curvature surfaces in the Euclidean space, in the same way the hyperbolic numbers allow a representation of constant-curvature surfaces with non-definite line elements (Lorentz surfaces). The results arc obtained just as a consequence of the space-time symmetry stated by the Lorentz group, but, from a physical point of view, they give the right link between fields and curvature as postulated by general relativity. This mathematical formalization can open new ways for application in the studies of field theories.
机译:近年来,已经认识到,双曲数(复数的扩展,定义为{z = x + hy; h〜2 = 1 x,y∈R,h R})可以与时空几何相关联如狭义相对论的洛伦兹变换所言。在本文中,我们表明,由于复数允许欧几里德空间中常曲率曲面的最完整和结论性数学归一化,因此,双曲数可以用非定线表示常曲率曲面元素(洛伦兹曲面)。洛伦兹(Lorentz)小组指出,结果只是时空对称性的结果,但从物理角度来看,它们给出了广义相对论所假定的场和曲率之间的正确联系。这种数学形式化可以为在田间理论研究中的应用开辟新的途径。



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