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'Seeking the Light in a Cavity' in Conversation with Nobel Laureate Serge Haroche

机译:与诺贝尔奖获得者塞尔吉·哈罗什(Serge Haroche)的对话中的“在空腔中寻找光”

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Serge Haroche, Chair in Quantum Physics at the College de France. Professor Haroche was awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize for Physics for "ground-breaking experimental methods that enable measuring and manipulation of individual quantum systems". On 22 April 2013, the first day of the Berge Fest Conference, Professor Haroche delivered a talk on "Controlling photons in cavities". He reviewed recent experiments in Cavity QED in which his group count trapped microwave photons non-destructively and used quantum feedback methods to stabilize the photon number to a preset value. Further developments of these experiments were also discussed in his talk. The editorial team of Asia Pacific Physics Newsletter interviewed Professor Haroche during the Berge Fest Conference on 24 April 2014. For more information of the Berge Fest Conference, please visit http://bergefest.quantumlah.org/
机译:法兰西学院量子物理学系主任Serge Haroche。 Haroche教授因“突破性的能够测量和操纵单个量子系统的实验方法”而荣获2012年诺贝尔物理学奖。在Berge Fest会议的第一天,2013年4月22日,Haroche教授发表了题为“控制腔中的光子”的演讲。他回顾了最近在Cavity QED中进行的实验,在该实验中,他的小组无损地计数了捕获的微波光子,并使用量子反馈方法将光子数稳定在预设值。他的演讲中还讨论了这些实验的进一步发展。亚太物理学通讯编辑团队在2014年4月24日的布尔格音乐节会议上采访了Haroche教授。有关布尔格音乐节会议的更多信息,请访问http://bergefest.quantumlah.org/。



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