首页> 外文期刊>Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases: A Journal of Clinical Rheumatology and Connective Tissue Research >Changes in serum levels of qlucosamine and sulphate after ingestion of glucosqmine sulphate with and without simultaneous ingestion of glucose

Changes in serum levels of qlucosamine and sulphate after ingestion of glucosqmine sulphate with and without simultaneous ingestion of glucose


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Glucosamine as its chloride or sulphate salt is now in widespread over-the-counter use for the treatment of osteoarthritis, ostensibly by stimulating or stabilizing cartilage chondroitin sulphate. Clinical trials have, however, provided equivocal results concerning its effectiveness,1"5 and measurements of serum and plasma glucosamine levels after ingestion indicate that circulating glucosamine levels are probably too low to have any direct effect on cartilage.Suggestions have been made that the sulphate of glucosamine sulphate might have a positive clinical effect on cartilage as a result of an increase in circulating levels after its ingestion. This may be particularly pertinent because we previously described a 9.3% mean decrease of sulphate levels after three hours of fasting by 14 experimental subjects, with a doubling of this mean decrease to 18.9% by the concomitant ingestion of 75 g glucose. In addition, we have described an effect of glucosamine sulphate ingestion by these subjects on glucose and insulin levels when 75 g glucose was ingested.9 Results were in contrast to other investigations10 that have indicated little or no effect when glucose was ingested the day after the ingestion of glucosamine rather than ingestion at the same time.
机译:葡萄糖胺作为其氯化物或硫酸盐,现在广泛用于非处方治疗骨关节炎,表面上是通过刺激或稳定软骨硫酸软骨素。然而,临床试验提供了有关其有效性的模棱两可的结果[1] 5,并且在摄入后对血清和血浆中的葡萄糖胺水平进行了测量,结果表明循环中的葡萄糖胺水平可能太低,无法对软骨产生任何直接影响。硫酸氨基葡萄糖的摄入可能会由于摄入后循环水平的升高而对软骨产生积极的临床影响,这可能是特别相关的,因为我们之前曾描述过14名实验对象禁食3小时后硫酸盐水平平均下降9.3% ,同时摄入75 g葡萄糖可使平均摄入量增加一倍,降至18.9%;此外,我们还描述了这些受试者摄入75 g葡萄糖后摄入硫酸氨基葡萄糖对血糖和胰岛素水平的影响9。与其他研究不同,后者在后一天摄入葡萄糖时几乎没有影响,甚至没有影响而不是同时摄取葡萄糖胺。



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