首页> 外文期刊>Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology >Physiological stress in native southern brook trout during episodic stream acidification in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

Physiological stress in native southern brook trout during episodic stream acidification in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.


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Episodic stream acidification from atmospheric deposition is suspected to detrimentally impact native southern brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSM) headwater streams. To test the hypothesis that episodes of stream acidification cause physiological distress to native trout, caged fish at three sites were exposed to acid episodes during in situ bioassays conducted in June 2006 and March 2007. Stream pH decreased (>0.7 pH units) and total dissolved aluminum (Al(TD)) increased (>175 microg/L) at all three sites during acid episodes in both bioassays. Whole-body sodium concentrations were significantly reduced (10-20%) following the acid episodes, when preceding 24-h mean pH values of 4.88, 5.09, and 4.87 and corresponding 24-h time-weighted average Al(TD) concentrations of 210, 202, and 202 microg/L were observed. Lower whole-body sodium concentrations were correlated with elevated H+ and Al(TD) concentrations. Loss of sodium ions in native southern brook trout was consistent with physiological distress resulting from acid exposure reported in salmonids in other investigations. Further research is necessary to conclude whether acid episodes are responsible for extirpation of brook trout from headwater streams in the GRSM.
机译:据推测,大气沉积物引起的间歇性酸化会对大烟山国家公园(GRSM)上游水流中的南部南方鳟鱼(Salvelinus fontinalis)产生不利影响。为了检验流酸化的事件对本地鳟鱼造成生理困扰的假说,在2006年6月和2007年3月进行的原位生物测定过程中,三个地点的网箱鱼暴露于酸事件。流的pH降低(> 0.7 pH单位)并且总溶解两种生物测定中的酸发作期间,所有三个位点的铝(Al(TD))均增加(> 175 microg / L)。酸发作后,全身24小时平均pH值分别为4.88、5.09和4.87,而相应的24小时时间加权平均Al(TD)浓度为210,则钠浓度显着降低(10-20%)观察到分别为202和202 microg / L。较低的全身钠浓度与升高的H +和Al(TD)浓度相关。在其他调查中,鲑鱼中的酸暴露导致本地南部河鳟体内钠离子的流失与生理窘迫相一致。有必要进行进一步的研究来得出结论,认为酸性事件是否是导致GRSM中源头溪流鳟鱼灭绝的原因。



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