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Zoonotic Infections Among Employees from Great Smoky Mountains and Rocky Mountain National Parks 2008–2009




U.S. National Park Service employees may have prolonged exposure to wildlife and arthropods, placing them at increased risk of infection with endemic zoonoses. To evaluate possible zoonotic risks present at both Great Smoky Mountains (GRSM) and Rocky Mountain (ROMO) National Parks, we assessed park employees for baseline seroprevalence to specific zoonotic pathogens, followed by evaluation of incident infections over a 1-year study period. Park personnel showed evidence of prior infection with a variety of zoonotic agents, including California serogroup bunyaviruses (31.9%), Bartonella henselae (26.7%), spotted fever group rickettsiae (22.2%), Toxoplasma gondii (11.1%), Anaplasma phagocytophilum (8.1%), Brucella spp. (8.9%), flaviviruses (2.2%), and Bacillus anthracis (1.5%). Over a 1-year study period, we detected incident infections with leptospirosis (5.7%), B. henselae (5.7%), spotted fever group rickettsiae (1.5%), T. gondii (1.5%), B. anthracis (1.5%), and La Crosse virus (1.5%) in staff members at GRSM, and with spotted fever group rickettsiae (8.5%) and B. henselae (4.3%) in staff at ROMO. The risk of any incident infection was greater for employees who worked as resource managers (OR 7.4; 95% CI 1.4,37.5; p=0.02), and as law enforcement rangers/rescue crew (OR 6.5; 95% CI 1.1,36.5; p=0.03), relative to those who worked primarily in administration or management. The results of this study increase our understanding of the pathogens circulating within both parks, and can be used to inform the development of effective guidelines and interventions to increase visitor and staff awareness and help prevent exposure to zoonotic agents.
机译:美国国家公园管理局(National Park Service)的员工可能长时间接触野生动植物和节肢动物,使他们更容易受到地方性人畜共患病的感染。为了评估大烟山国家公园(GRSM)和落基山国家公园(ROMO)上可能存在的人畜共患病风险,我们评估了公园员工针对特定人畜共患病原体的基线血清阳性率,然后在为期1年的研究期内评估了事件感染。公园工作人员显示出先前感染了多种人畜共患病原体的证据,包括加利福尼亚血清群布​​尼亚病毒(31.9%),亨氏巴尔通体(26.7%),点状发热立克次体(22.2%),弓形虫(11.1%),吞噬性嗜浆细胞(8.1%) %),布鲁氏菌属。 (8.9%),黄病毒(2.2%)和炭疽杆菌(1.5%)。在为期1年的研究期内,我们发现了钩端螺旋体病(5.7%),亨氏芽孢杆菌(5.7%),点状发热立克次体(1.5%),弓形虫(1.5%),炭疽杆菌(1.5%)的突发事件)和GRSM员工中的La Crosse病毒(占1.5%),ROMO员工中有点状发热立克次体(8.5%)和汉氏芽孢杆菌(4.3%)。对于担任资源经理的员工(OR 7.4; 95%CI 1.4,37.5; p = 0.02)以及作为执法人员/救援人员的员工(OR 6.5; 95%CI 1.1,36.5; 95%CI 1.1,36.5),员工发生任何意外感染的风险更大。 p = 0.03),相对于主要从事行政管理工作的人员而言。这项研究的结果加深​​了我们对两个公园内传播的病原体的了解,可用于指导制定有效的指南和干预措施,以提高游客和工作人员的意识,并防止接触人畜共患病菌。


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