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Taqa Signs a Letter of Intent with Kuwait Energy for Joint Upstream Oil and Gas Projects


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Abu Dhabi National Energy Company (Taqa) has signed a letter of intent with Kuwait Energy Company (KEC) for the purpose of looking for joint investment opportunities in the oil and gas sectors in Egypt, Oman, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Kazakhstan and Iran. Under this agreement, the two companies aim to build up a portfolio focused on mature hydrocarbon production, development and exploration assets, according to Taqa. The UAE-based company adds that this letter of intent does not involve any financial commitments at this stage. Taqa is a state enterprise owned by the emirate of Abu Dhabi, while KEC is a private Kuwaiti firm with interests in exploration, development and production in the following countries: Egypt, Oman, Yemen, Pakistan, Russia, Cambodia and Indonesia.
机译:阿布扎比国家能源公司(Taqa)与科威特能源公司(KEC)签署了意向书,目的是寻找埃及,阿曼,也门,叙利亚,伊拉克,哈萨克斯坦和伊朗在石油和天然气领域的联合投资机会。 Taqa表示,根据该协议,两家公司旨在建立一个专注于成熟烃生产,开发和勘探资产的投资组合。这家位于阿联酋的公司补充说,此意向书在此阶段不涉及任何财务承诺。 Taqa是阿布扎比酋长国拥有的国有企业,而KEC是科威特私营公司,对以下国家的勘探,开发和生产感兴趣:埃及,阿曼,也门,巴基斯坦,俄罗斯,柬埔寨和印度尼西亚。



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