首页> 外文期刊>Applied optics >Bragg gratings printed upon thin glass films by excimer laser irradiation and selective chemical etching

Bragg gratings printed upon thin glass films by excimer laser irradiation and selective chemical etching


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Photon-induced property changes of sputter-deposited GeO↓(2)-SiO↓(2) thin glass films were investigated Irradiation with ArF laser pulses induced the changes in refractive index of -10% and volume of +30% in the film without ablation. A Bragg grating with a positive sinusoid wave pattern was printed upon the film by irradiation with ArF excimer laser pulses through a phase mask. The irradiated area could be quickly etched by a HF solution. The ratio of etching rate of irradiated area to unirradiated area was higher than 30. A Bragg grating with a surface relief pattern was successfully formed on the film irradiation with excimer laser pulses followed by chemical etching. Diffraction efficiency of the gratings increased by 25 times with the etching.# 1997 Optical Society of America
机译:研究了溅射沉积的GeO↓(2)-SiO↓(2)薄膜玻璃的光子特性变化。用ArF激光脉冲辐照引起薄膜的折射率变化为-10%,体积变化为+ 30%。消融。通过相位掩模用ArF受激准分子激光脉冲辐照,在膜上印刷正弦波图形的布拉格光栅。可以通过HF溶液快速蚀刻被照射的区域。辐照区与未辐照区的蚀刻速率之比大于30。在用准分子激光脉冲辐照的薄膜上进行化学蚀刻后,成功地形成了具有表面浮雕图案的布拉格光栅。通过蚀刻,光栅的衍射效率提高了25倍。#1997美国光学学会



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