首页> 外文期刊>Applied Geochemistry: Journal of the International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry >Dissolved metals and associated constituents in abandoned coal-mine discharges, Pennsylvania, USA. Part 1: Constituent quantities and correlations

Dissolved metals and associated constituents in abandoned coal-mine discharges, Pennsylvania, USA. Part 1: Constituent quantities and correlations


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Complete hydrochemical data are rarely reported for coal-mine discharges (CMD). This report summarizes major and trace-element concentrations and loadings for CMD at 140 abandoned mines in the Anthracite and Bituminous Coalfields of Pennsylvania. Clean-sampling and low-level analytical methods were used in 1999 to collect data that could be useful to determine potential environmental effects, remediation strategies, and quantities of valuable constituents. A subset of 10 sites was resampled in 2003 to analyze both the CMD and associated ochreous precipitates; the hydrochemical data were similar in 2003 and 1999. In 1999, the flow at the 140 CMD sites ranged from 0.028 to 2210 L s(-1), with a median of 18.4 Ls(-1). The pH ranged from 2.7 to 7.3; concentrations (range in mg/L) of dissolved (0.45-mu m pore-size filter) SO4 (34-2000), Fe (0.046-512), Mn (0.019-74), and Al (0.007-108) varied widely. Predominant metalloid elements were Si (2.7-31.3 mg L-1), B (<1-260 mu g L-1), Ge (<0.01-0.57 mu g L-1), and As (<0.03-64 mu g L-1). The most abundant trace metals, in order of median concentrations (range in mu g/L), were Zn (0.6-10,000), Ni (2.6-3200), Co (0.27-3100), Ti (0.65-28), Cu (0.4-190), Cr (<0.5-72), Pb (<0.05-11) and Cd (<0.01-16). Gold was detected at concentrations greater than 0.0005 mu g L-1 in 97% of the samples, with a maximum of 0.0175 mu g L-1. No samples had detectable concentrations of Hg, Os or Pt, and less than half of the samples had detectable Pd, Ag, Ru, Ta, Nb, Re or Sn. Predominant rare-earth elements, in order of median concentrations (range in tg/L), were Y(0.11-530), Ce (0.01-370), Sc (1.0-36), Nd (0.006-260), La (0.005-140), Gd (0.005-110), Dy (0.002-99) and Sm (0.005-79). Although dissolved Fe was not correlated with pH, concentrations of Al, Mn, most trace metals, and rare earths were negatively correlated with pH, consistent with solubility or sorption controls. In contrast, As was positively correlated with pH. None of the 140 CMD samples met all US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) continuous-concentration criteria for protection of freshwater aquatic organisms; the samples exceeded criteria for Al, Fe, Co, Ni, and/or Zn. Ten percent of the samples exceeded USEPA primary drinking-water standards for As, and 33% exceeded standards for Be. Only one sample met drinking-water standards for inorganic constituents in a public water supply. Except for S, the nonmetal elements (S > C > P = N - Se) were not elevated in the CMD samples compared to average river water or seawater. Compared to seawater, the CMD samples also were poor in halogens (Cl > Br > I > F), alkalies (Na > K > Li > Rb > Cs), most alkaline earths (Ca > Mg > Sr), and most metalloids but were enriched by two to four orders of magnitude with Fe, Al, Mn, Co, Be, Sc, Y and the lanthanide rare-earth elements, and one order of magnitude with Ni and Zn. The ochre samples collected at a subset of 10 sites in 2003 were dominantly goethite with minor ferrihydrite or lepidocrocite. None of the samples for this subset contained schwertmannite or was Al rich, but most contained minor aluminosilicate detritus. Compared to concentrations in global average shale, the ochres were rich in Fe, Ag, As and Au, but were poor in most other metals and rare earths. The ochres were not enriched compared to commercial ore deposits mined for Au or other valuable metals. Although similar to commercial Fe ores in composition, the ochres are dispersed and present in relatively small quantities at most sites. Nevertheless, the ochres could be valuable for use as pigment. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
机译:很少有关于煤矿排放量(CMD)的完整水化学数据的报告。该报告总结了宾夕法尼亚州无烟煤和沥青煤田的140个废弃矿井中CMD的主要和痕量元素浓度和含量。 1999年使用了清洁采样和低级分析方法来收集数据,这些数据可用于确定潜在的环境影响,补救策略和有价值的成分的数量。 2003年,对10个地点的一部分进行了重新采样,以分析CMD和相关的线状沉淀物。 2003年和1999年的水化学数据相似。1999年,在140个CMD站点的流量范围为0.028至2210 L s(-1),中位数为18.4 Ls(-1)。 pH范围为2.7至7.3;溶解(0.45-μm孔径过滤器),SO4(34-2000),Fe(0.046-512),Mn(0.019-74)和Al(0.007-108)的浓度(mg / L范围)变化很大。主要的准金属元素是Si(2.7-31.3 mg L-1),B(<1-260μgL-1),Ge(<0.01-0.57μgL-1)和As(<0.03-64μg L-1)。按中值浓度(以μg / L为单位)的顺序,最丰富的痕量金属是Zn(0.6-10,000),Ni(2.6-3200),Co(0.27-3100),Ti(0.65-28),Cu (0.4-190),Cr(<0.5-72),Pb(<0.05-11)和Cd(<0.01-16)。在97%的样品中检测到的金浓度大于0.0005μgL-1,最大为0.0175μgL-1。没有样品具有可检测到的Hg,Os或Pt浓度,少于一半的样品具有可检测到的Pd,Ag,Ru,Ta,Nb,Re或Sn。稀土元素按中位数浓度(以tg / L为单位)的顺序为Y(0.11-530),Ce(0.01-370),Sc(1.0-36),Nd(0.006-260),La( 0.005-140),Gd(0.005-110),Dy(0.002-99)和Sm(0.005-79)。尽管溶解的Fe与pH无关,但是Al,Mn,大多数痕量金属和稀土元素的浓度与pH呈负相关,这与溶解度或吸附控制一致。相反,As与pH正相关。 140个CMD样品中没有一个符合美国环境保护局(USEPA)的所有连续浓度标准,以保护淡水水生生物。样品超过了Al,Fe,Co,Ni和/或Zn的标准。 10%的样品超过了USEPA的主要饮用水中As的标准,而33%的含量超过了Be的标准。只有一个样品符合公共供水中无机成分的饮用水标准。除了S以外,CMD样品中的非金属元素(S> C> P = N-Se)与普通河水或海水相比没有升高。与海水相比,CMD样品的卤素(Cl> Br> I> F),碱(Na> K> Li> Rb> Cs),大多数碱土(Ca> Mg> Sr)和大多数准金属均较差。 Fe,Al,Mn,Co,Be,Sc,Y和镧系元素稀土元素的含量提高了2到4个数量级,Ni和Zn元素的含量提高了1个数量级。 2003年在10个地点的一个子集上收集的o石样品主要是针铁矿和次要水铁矿或纤铁矿。该子集的样品均不含施韦特曼石或富含Al,但大多数样品均不含少量硅铝酸盐碎屑。与全球平均页岩中的浓度相比,the石富含Fe,Ag,As和Au,但在大多数其他金属和稀土中却缺乏。与为金或其他贵重金属开采的商业矿床相比,这些石并未富集。尽管石的成分与商品铁矿石相似,但其散布在大多数地点,且数量相对较少。然而,这些石作为颜料可能是有价值的。由Elsevier Ltd.发布



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