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A laboratory study on the reliability estimations of the mini-CEX


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Reliability estimations of workplace-based assessments with the mini-CEX are typically based on real-life data. Estimations are based on the assumption of local independence: the object of the measurement should not be influenced by the measurement itself and samples should be completely independent. This is difficult to achieve. Furthermore, the variance caused by the case/patient or by assessor is completely confounded. We have no idea how much each of these factors contribute to the noise in the measurement. The aim of this study was to use a controlled setup that overcomes these difficulties and to estimate the reproducibility of the mini-CEX. Three encounters were videotaped from 21 residents. The patients were the same for all residents. Each encounter was assessed by 3 assessors who assessed all encounters for all residents. This delivered a fully crossed (all random) two-facet generalizability design. A quarter of the total variance was associated with universe score variance (28%). The largest source of variance was the general error term (34%) followed by the main effect of assessors (18%). Generalizability coefficients indicated that an approximate sample of 9 encounters was needed assuming a single different assessor per encounter and assuming different cases per encounter (the usual situation in real practice), 4 encounters when 2 raters were used and 3 encounters when 3 raters are used. Unexplained general error and the leniency/stringency of assessors are the major causes for unreliability in mini-CEX. To optimize reliability rater training might have an effect. ? 2011 The Author(s).
机译:使用mini-CEX进行的基于工作场所的评估的可靠性评估通常基于实际数据。估计基于局部独立性的假设:测量对象不应受到测量本身的影响,并且样本应完全独立。这很难实现。此外,由病例/患者或评估者引起的差异完全被混淆。我们不知道这些因素中有多少对测量中的噪声有贡献。这项研究的目的是使用一种克服这些困难的受控装置,并评估mini-CEX的可重复性。来自21位居民的三个相遇录像。所有居民的病人都是一样的。每次相遇由3位评估员评估,他们评估了所有居民的所有相遇。这提供了一个完全交叉(全随机)的两面概化设计。总差异的四分之一与Universe分数差异相关(28%)。方差的最大来源是一般误差项(34%),其次是评估者的主要影响(18%)。概化系数表明,假设每次遭遇有一个不同的评估人,并假设每次遭遇有不同的案例(实际情况中的通常情况),则需要大约9次遭遇的样本;使用2个评估者时进行4次遭遇,使用3个评估者时进行3次遭遇。无法解释的一般错误和评估者的宽大/严格是导致mini-CEX不可靠的主要原因。为了优化可靠性,评估者培训可能会起作用。 ? 2011作者。



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