首页> 外文期刊>Antibiotiques: Journal des Agents Anti-Infectieux >Qualite de la relation medecin-malade:impact sur l'antibiotherapie de facteurs non infectieux

Qualite de la relation medecin-malade:impact sur l'antibiotherapie de facteurs non infectieux


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Relashionship between practitioner and his patient is a key point of the medical practice.Efficacy seems to be partly correlated to a subjective perception by the patient and confidence in the treatment prescribed by the physician.Some authors emphasized the importance of non microbiological factors,influencing antibiotic prescription :well known prevalence of penicillin resistant pneumococci may exert a pressure upon antibiotic prescription.A major importance of socio-cultural behaviours is underlined.Other authors correlated the level of information received by the patient with his satisfaction toward his doctor and his treatment.The better the information,the better the patient can be satisfied with his treatment.Few studies pointed out the problem of non microbiological factors in short term antibiotic therapy.It could be interpreted as a low or variable interest of physicians to this factor.Therefore it is obviously necessary to improve knowledge about this socio-psychological approach,in order to obtain optimisation of our treatments.



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