首页> 外文期刊>Behavioural Brain Research: An International Journal >Chronic fluoxetine treatment and maternal adversity differentially alter neurobehavioral outcomes in the rat dam

Chronic fluoxetine treatment and maternal adversity differentially alter neurobehavioral outcomes in the rat dam


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The incidence of stress and stress-related disorders with the transition to motherhood, such as postpartum depression, is estimated to be 20%. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) medications are currently the antidepressant of choice to treat maternal mood disorders. However, little is known about the effects of these medications on the maternal brain and behavior. Therefore, the present study investigated how a commonly used SSRI, fluoxetine, affects neurobehavioral outcomes in the mother using a model of maternal adversity. To do this, gestationally stressed and non-stressed Sprague-Dawley rat dams were treated with either fluoxetine (5. mg/kg/day) or vehicle. Dams were divided into four groups: (1) Control. +. Vehicle, (2) Control. +. Fluoxetine, (3) Stress + Vehicle and (4) Stress + Fluoxetine. Fluoxetine or vehicle was administered to the dam during the postpartum period via osmotic minipump implants (Alzet) for 28 days. Results show that chronic fluoxetine treatment, after exposure to gestational stress, significantly decreased serum levels of corticosteroid binding globulin and increased hippocampal neurogenesis. In the absence of maternal stress, fluoxetine treatment alone significantly increased maternal arched-back nursing of pups, increased anxiety-related behavior, and decreased serum levels of corticosterone and corticosteroid binding globulin in the dam. This research provides important information on how SSRIs may act on the behavior, physiology, and neural plasticity of the mother. Although this is a first step in investigating the role of antidepressant treatment on the mother, much more work is needed before we can understand and improve the efficacy of these medications to treat mood disorders in pregnant and postpartum women.
机译:压力和与压力相关的疾病(包括产后抑郁症)的发生率随着母亲的过渡而发生,估计为20%。选择性5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂(SSRI)药物目前是治疗母亲情绪障碍的首选抗抑郁药。然而,关于这些药物对产妇大脑和行为的影响知之甚少。因此,本研究使用母亲逆境模型研究了常用的SSRI氟西汀如何影响母亲的神经行为结果。为此,用氟西汀(5 mg / kg /天)或赋形剂处理妊娠应激和非应激的Sprague-Dawley大鼠大坝。大坝分为四组:(1)防治。 +。车辆,(2)控制。 +。氟西汀(3)压力+载体和(4)压力+氟西汀。产后,通过渗透微型泵植入物(Alzet)将氟西汀或赋形剂施用至大坝,持续28天。结果表明,长期接受氟西汀治疗的孕妇在受到妊娠压力后,其血清糖皮质激素结合球蛋白的血清水平显着降低,海马神经发生增加。在没有产妇压力的情况下,仅氟西汀治疗可显着增加产妇对大便的拱背护理,增加与焦虑相关的行为,并降低大坝中皮质酮和皮质类固醇结合球蛋白的血清水平。这项研究提供了有关SSRIs如何作用于母亲的行为,生理和神经可塑性的重要信息。尽管这是研究​​抗抑郁药对母亲的作用的第一步,但在我们了解和改善这些药物治疗孕妇和产后妇女情绪障碍的功效之前,还需要做更多的工作。



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