首页> 外文期刊>Annals of Tropical Paediatrics >Neuroblastoma in southern Africa: epidemiological features, prognostic factors and outcome.

Neuroblastoma in southern Africa: epidemiological features, prognostic factors and outcome.


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We retrospectively analysed the epidemiological features and the importance of biochemical, histological and genetic parameters in predicting survival in 14 Namibian and 34 South African children treated for neuroblastoma (NB) from 1983 to 1997. Curative treatment consisted mainly of total (13%) or partial (44%) resection after chemotherapy (cyclophosphamide and doxorubicin x6 courses or carboplatin, etoposide, epirubicin and cyclophosphamide x6 courses). Localized radiotherapy with curative intent was given to 33% of patients. The male:female ratio was 0.9. The median age was 18 months (range 1-116) and was comparable in white, black and mixed ethnic patients. Primary disease was located in the abdomen (75%), thorax (15%), pelvis (5%) or elsewhere (5%). Evans stage distribution was: stage I, 2%; stage II, 19%; stage III, 21%; stage IV, 50%; and stage IVS, 8%. Stage III/IV disease was more common in black than in white children (p = 0.0001). Urinary vanillyl mandelic acid was elevated in 63% of those tested. Survival after 5-163 months' follow-up was 90% for stages I and II combined (median 2983, range 798-4661 days), 51% for stage III (median 367, range 61-5001 days), 6% for stage IV (median 227, range 20-4379 days) and 50% for stage IVS (median 532, range 54-1543 days). All seven children with para-spinal tumours survived. Individual factors associated with significantly poorer survival were elevated serum lactate dehydrogenase (p < 0.001), Joshi histological risk categorization adapted for age (p = 0.039), n-myc amplification (p = 0.006) and diploidy or tetraploidy (p = 0.006). All seven children with serum ferritin exceeding 149 ng/ml at the time of diagnosis died and survival was 33% in children with 1p deletion and 67% in those without, but the numbers were too small to achieve significance. These findings confirm the benefit of simple biochemical tests and histology in identifying those who are likely to respond favourably to conventional chemotherapy and surgery. Supportive genetic tests on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tumour tissue contributed to predicting outcome in 21 patients.
机译:我们回顾性分析了1983年至1997年治疗神经母细胞瘤(NB)的14例纳米比亚和34例南非儿童的流行病学特征以及生化,组织学和遗传学参数对预测存活率的重要性。治愈性治疗主要包括全部(13%)或部分治疗(44%)化疗后切除(环磷酰胺和阿霉素x6疗程或卡铂,依托泊苷,表柔比星和环磷酰胺x6疗程)。 33%的患者接受了具有治愈意图的局部放疗。男女比例为0.9。中位年龄为18个月(范围1-116),在白人,黑人和混合族裔患者中相当。原发疾病位于腹部(75%),胸部(15%),骨盆(5%)或其他地方(5%)。埃文斯的阶段分布是:第一阶段,2%;第二阶段,19%;第三阶段,21%;第四阶段,50%; IVS阶段为8%。黑人的III / IV期疾病比白人的儿童更为普遍(p = 0.0001)。尿香草兰糖扁桃酸升高了63%。 I和II期合并后的生存期为5-163个月,分别为90%(中位数2983,范围为798-4661天),III期为51%(中位数367,范围为61-5001天),6% IV(中位数227,范围20-4379天)和IVS期50%(中位数532,范围54-1543天)。七名患有椎旁肿瘤的儿童均存活。与存活率显着降低相关的个别因素包括血清乳酸脱氢酶升高(p <0.001),适应年龄的Joshi组织学危险性分类(p = 0.039),n-myc扩增(p = 0.006)和二倍体或四倍体(p = 0.006)。确诊时血清铁蛋白超过149 ng / ml的所有7名儿童均死亡,有1p缺失的儿童的生存率为33%,没有缺失1p的儿童为67%,但数量太少而无法达到显着水平。这些发现证实了简单的生化测试和组织学在识别那些可能对常规化学疗法和手术反应良好的人中的益处。对福尔马林固定石蜡包埋的肿瘤组织进行的支持性基因检测有助于预测21例患者的预后。



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