首页> 外文期刊>Andhra Agricultural Journal >Effect of Water Logging and CCC on Groundnut [Arachis hypogaea (L.) var. TMV-2]

Effect of Water Logging and CCC on Groundnut [Arachis hypogaea (L.) var. TMV-2]

机译:淹水和CCC对花生[花生(L.)var。 TMV-2]

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The growth and yield of a plant are modulated by a number of abiotic stress factors. Among them, excess water stress i.e., water logging, which occurs due to excess rainfall during late summer and monsoon, is considered as a major determinant of plantproductivity. Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is the premier oil seed crop of India and contributes nearly 40% of the total oil seed production (Bandyopadyay et al., 2000). In the coastal sandy loams of Andhra Pradesh, groundnut is grown from July to November. Occurrence of heavy rains or cyclones in the months of September-October in this region, which is common leads to the raise of ground water table almost to the surface level and this subsequently leads to water stagnation in groundnut fields. Prolonged water logging condition prevails leads to the set back in vegetative growth of the plant and results in lower yield.
机译:许多非生物胁迫因素可调节植物的生长和产量。其中,过量的水分胁迫,即由于夏末和季风期间过多的降雨而引起的涝渍,被认为是植物生产力的主要决定因素。花生(Arachis hypogaea L.)是印度主要的油料种子作物,占油料总产量的近40%(Bandyopadyay等,2000)。在安得拉邦的沿海沙质壤土中,从7月至11月种植花生。在该地区,9月至10月的几个月中出现大雨或飓风,这很常见,导致地下水位几乎上升到地表水位,这随后导致了花生田的积水。长时间的水淹状况导致植物营养生长的退步并导致较低的产量。



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