首页> 外文期刊>Behavioural Brain Research: An International Journal >Sleep after differing amounts of conditioned fear training in BALB/cJ mice.

Sleep after differing amounts of conditioned fear training in BALB/cJ mice.

机译:在BALB / cJ小鼠中进行不同数量的条件恐惧训练后入睡。

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Shock training and auditory cues associated with shock produce alterations in sleep that can be long-lasting in BALB/cJ (C) mice. We examined sleep in C mice after different amounts of shock training, and after cues with different strength cue-shock associations. Mice were implanted with transmitters for determining sleep via telemetry. After baseline sleep recording, the mice were trained (between 08:00 and 09:00h) to associate a cue (tone) with footshock in either single shock training (SST: a single tone-shock pairing) or multiple shock training (MST: 15 tone-shock pairings) conditions. For testing, the mice were presented 15 cues (tone only) in their home cage between 10:45 and 11:00h on post-training days 6, 13, 20, 27, and 34 (Cue 1 to Cue 5) following shock training. Sleep was recorded for two days after shock training or cue presentation. A separate group of mice received 15 tone-shock pairings and had their sleep recorded for 10 consecutive uninterrupted days. Both SST and MST mice showed decreases in rapid eye movement sleep (REM) after shock training, with the larger effect in the MST mice. Only MST mice showed significant reductions in REM in response to the fearful cues, and longer-term alterations in sleep could be observed even on the day after cue presentation. These results indicate that reminders of an aversive event can impact sleep for prolonged periods, and that the degree of the impact varies with amount of training.
机译:休克相关的休克训练和听觉提示会导致睡眠改变,这种改变在BALB / cJ(C)小鼠中可能持久。我们在不同数量的电击训练后以及在具有不同强度的提示-电击关联的提示之后检查了C小鼠的睡眠。将小鼠植入发射器以通过遥测确定睡眠。在记录了基线睡眠后,在单次电击训练(SST:单声-电击配对)或多次电击训练(MST:单次电击训练)中,对小鼠进行了训练(在08:00至09:00之间),以将提示(音调)与脚震相关联。 15个音震配对)条件。为了进行测试,在电击训练后的第6、13、20、27和34天(提示1到提示5)的训练后10:45和11:00h之间,在其家笼中向小鼠提供15个提示(仅提示音)。 。休克训练或提示后两天记录睡眠。另一组小鼠接受了15次电击配对,并连续10天连续记录其睡眠。 SST和MST小鼠在电击训练后均表现出快速眼动睡眠(REM)减少,在MST小鼠中效果更大。只有MST小鼠对这种可怕的提示反应后,REM明显减少,甚至在提示后的第二天,就可以观察到长期的睡眠改变。这些结果表明,厌恶事件的提醒会长时间影响睡眠,并且影响的程度随训练量的不同而变化。



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