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America's First Patented Series of Bubble-Through Anesthetic Vaporizers


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IN 1844, a traveling showman administered laughing gas for a dental extraction on a volunteer named Horace Wells (Dentist-Anesthetist, Hartford, Connecticut; 1815-1848). Twenty years later, the frequency of recreational demonstrations of nitrous oxide surged, courtesy of that same showman, Gardner Q. Colton 0tinerant Showman, later Dental Anesthetist, mostly in New England and New York; 1814-1898). During Reconstruction, Colton shifted the bulk of his nitrous oxide practice from entertaining into supplying swift anesthetics for dental extractions. Many dentists followed his lead and began using laughing gas professionally. Whether the gas was freshly generated on-site, emptied from a large bag, or delivered by gasometer, most nitrous oxide administrations were mercifully brief dances with hypoxia for American patients in the late 1800s. However, reports began surfacing about patients left dead or brain-damaged after receiving anesthetics in which 100% nitrous oxide was administered. Initial diagnoses of "crazed by laughing gas" often preceded final ones of "insanity" or "apoplexy" for victims of hypoxic anesthet-' ics.~1 Nevertheless, as professionals and laymen learned of morbidity and mortality associated with ether and especially chloroform anesthetics, many nitrous oxide administrators felt justified in persevering with their near-asphyxial use of laughing gas for anesthesia
机译:1844年,一位旅行艺人向一名叫霍勒斯·韦尔斯(Horace Wells)的志愿者(牙医,麻醉师,康涅狄格州哈特福德; 1815-1848年)施行笑气以拔牙。二十年后,由同一个表演者Gardner Q. Colton 0tinerant Showman(后来的牙科麻醉师)提供的一氧化二氮娱乐表演的频率激增,主要在新英格兰和纽约; 1814-1898)。在重建过程中,科尔顿将大部分一氧化二氮方法从娱乐性转变为提供快速麻醉剂以拔牙。许多牙医跟随他的领导,开始专业地使用笑气。无论是在现场新鲜产生气体,从大袋子中清空气体还是通过气量计输送气体,大多数一氧化二氮给药都是在1800年代后期对美国患者进行的含氧不足的简短舞蹈。然而,有关开始接受麻醉的患者的报道开始浮出水面,这些患者在接受了100%一氧化二氮的麻醉后死亡或脑损伤。对于低氧麻醉的受害者,最初的诊断为“因笑气发疯”,最后诊断为“精神错乱”或“中风”。〜1然而,随着专业人士和外行了解到与醚特别是氯仿麻醉有关的发病率和死亡率。 ,许多一氧化二氮管理人员认为坚持不懈地使用笑气进行近窒息的麻醉是有道理的



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