首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Infection Control >A comparison of the hand hygiene knowledge, beliefs, and practices of Greek nursing and medical students.

A comparison of the hand hygiene knowledge, beliefs, and practices of Greek nursing and medical students.


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Studies indicate that health care workers' adherence to hand hygiene (HH) guidelines is poor (approx40%) and that physician status is a risk factor for nonadherence.1 Disciplinary differences in HH education and assessment during undergraduate training may impact on graduates' behavior upon entering the workforce. Several studies have examined aspects of health care students' HH beliefs or practices. Duration of clinical experience; gender; the example of mentors; and perceptions of handwashing benefits, barriers, and severity of infectious diseases significantly influenced self-reported or observed HH compliance. Gaps in students' HH knowledge were also identified by Sangkard and Mann and Wood.5 Sangkard's survey of nursing students' infection control knowledge in relation to human immunodeficiency virus infection included a short handwashing quiz with simple true/ false questions. Students' scores on this quiz ranged from 68 % to 71 %. Mann and Wood reported that medical students' average score on a hand hygiene quiz was 52%. However, these studies cannot be used to make cross-disciplinary comparisons because the questions on the respective surveys were very different.
机译:研究表明,医护人员对手部卫生(HH)指南的依从性很差(约40%),医师身份是不依从的危险因素。1本科培训期间HH教育和评估的学科差异可能会影响毕业生的行为。进入劳动力市场。多项研究检查了卫生保健学生的HH信念或行为的各个方面。临床经验的持续时间;性别;导师榜样;洗手的好处,障碍和传染病的严重程度的感知,严重影响了自我报告或观察到的HH依从性。 Sangkard和Mann和Wood也发现了学生HH知识的差距。5Sangkard对护理学生与人类免疫缺陷病毒感染有关的感染控制知识的调查包括一个简短的洗手测验,其中有简单的正确/错误问题。学生在此测验中的分数介于68%至71%之间。曼恩和伍德(Mann and Wood)报告说,医科学生在手卫生测验中的平均分数是52%。但是,这些研究不能用于跨学科的比较,因为各个调查的问题截然不同。



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