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We thank Dr. Cruz for his interest in our study. In his letter, Dr. Cruz notes that the 1987 article by Cruz et al. on the epidemiology of poliomyelitis in Guatemala in 1982 and 1983 described some observations that may have foreshadowed the recognition of circulating vaccine-derived polio-viruses (cVDPVs) after the 2000-2001 cVDPV outbreak in Hispaniola. The report by Cruz et al. represents an important landmark documenting the intensity of wild polio-virus endemicity in Guatemala before the 1985 initiative by the Pan American Health Organization to eradicate wild polio viruses from the Americas . The success of the Pan American Health Organization initiative, achieved in 1991, was preceded by eradication in Guatemala of the indigenous wild poliovirus type 1 in 1987 and wild poliovirus type 3 in 1990 . Interestingly, Cruz et al. found no evidence of wild poliovirus type 2 circulation in Guatemala (subsequent region-wide surveillance by the countries in the Pan American Health Organization found wild poliovirus type 2 only in the northern Andean countries in 1986-1989), but they found 5 unvaccinated paralyzed children who were excreting poliovirus related to the Sabin 2 oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV), raising the possibility of Sabin 2 OPV circulation . Their conjecture is plausible, as subsequent findings have shown that the large majority of cVDPV outbreaks are associated with poliovirus type 2 and occur in settings in which cessation of wild poliovirus type 2 circulation precludes continued acquisition of natural immunity to poliovirus type 2 and in which OPV coverage is suboptimal. These are conditions that apparently prevailed in Guatemala in 1982-1983. However, as Dr. Cruz noted , it is not possible to confirm past type 2 cVDPV circulation in Guatemala because the relevant isolates are no longer available for genetic analysis.
机译:感谢克鲁兹博士对我们的研究感兴趣。克鲁兹博士在信中指出,克鲁兹等人在1987年的文章中提到了这一点。 1982年和1983年在危地马拉小儿麻痹症流行病学杂志上发表的论文“对一些现象的观察”可能预示了在2000-2001年西班牙裔cVDPV暴发后对循环疫苗衍生的脊髓灰质炎病毒(cVDPVs)的认识。 Cruz等人的报告。代表着重要的里程碑,记载了危地马拉野生脊髓灰质炎病毒的流行程度,在泛美卫生组织(Pan American Health Organisation)1985年发起美洲根除野生脊髓灰质炎病毒的倡议之前。 1991年泛美卫生组织计划取得成功之后,1987年在危地马拉根除了1型本地野生脊髓灰质炎病毒和1990年消灭了3型野生脊髓灰质炎病毒。有趣的是,克鲁兹等。在危地马拉没有发现2型野生脊髓灰质炎病毒传播的证据(1986年至1989年,泛美卫生组织各国在整个地区的监视中仅在北部安第斯国家发现了2型野生脊髓灰质炎病毒),但他们发现了5名未接种疫苗的瘫痪儿童排泄与Sabin 2口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗(OPV)有关的脊髓灰质炎病毒的人,增加了Sabin 2 OPV循环的可能性。他们的推测是合理的,因为随后的研究结果表明,大多数cVDPV暴发与2型脊髓灰质炎病毒有关,并且发生在野生2型脊髓灰质炎病毒停止流通而无法继续获得对2型脊髓灰质炎病毒天然免疫力的环境中覆盖率不佳。这些情况显然在1982-1983年在危地马拉盛行。但是,正如Cruz博士所指出的,由于相关分离株不再可用于遗传分析,因此无法确认危地马拉过去的2型cVDPV循环。



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