首页> 外文期刊>海洋と生物 >放射性セシウムの河川を介した陸域からの海洋環境への影響について



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In order to evaluate the importance of desorbed ~(137)Cs from riverine suspended particles on the dissolved ~(137)Cs flux from rivers to the marine environment, the samples were collected from stations along the Abukuma (5 December 2013), Kuji (20 November 2013), Naka (20 November 2013),and Tone (29 October 2013) rivers. We estimated the extent of the desorbed fraction from riverine particles by conducting a particle-seawater partitioning and desorption experiment in which sieved particles (<74 μm) from the riverbank soils and river-bottom sediments were added to filtered (<0.45 μm) seawater. We calculated the flux of '~(37)Cs via the rivers (i.e., the dissolved phase in river water plus the desorbable Cs fraction in riverine suspended particles) from the riverine water discharge of dissolved ~(137)Cs activity in the river water, and the experimentally estimated desorbed 137Cs fraction (0.75-6.6%) from particulate ~(137)Cs in the river water. The estimated ~(137)Cs fluxes are significantly larger than the fluxes calculated without the desorbed fraction. Thus, it is necessary to take into account the flux of the desorbable ~(137)Cs fraction in riverine suspended particles.
机译:为了评估解吸〜(137)CS从河流悬浮颗粒对河流到海洋环境的溶解〜(137)CS助焊剂的重要性,样品从Abukuma(2013年12月5日),Kuji( 2013年11月20日),Naka(2013年11月20日)和语气(2013年10月29日)河流。通过进行颗粒海水分配和解吸试验,估计河流颗粒的解吸部分的程度,其中将来自河岸土壤和河流沉积物的筛分颗粒(<74μm)加入过滤(<0.45μm)海水中。我们通过河流(即河水中的溶解相加上河水中的溶解相加入河流悬浮颗粒中的解吸CS分数)从河水中的河流排水中计算“河水中的溶解相加入河流悬浮颗粒” ,并通过河水中的颗粒〜(137)Cs,实验估计的解吸137Cs分数(0.75-6.6%)。估计的〜(137)CS助熔剂显着大于没有解吸分数计算的助熔剂。因此,需要考虑河流悬浮颗粒中解吸〜(137)Cs分数的通量。



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