首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Kidney Diseases: The official journal of the National Kidney Foundation >Limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis associated with MPO-ANCA positive renal small vessel vasculitis of the microscopic polyangiitis type.

Limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis associated with MPO-ANCA positive renal small vessel vasculitis of the microscopic polyangiitis type.


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Renal disease in systemic sclerosis may present in various patterns. A 66-year-old woman with a history of longstanding limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis of the CREST syndrome variant presented with a sudden left foot drop and rapidly progressive renal insufficiency associated with mild proteinuria, a nephritic urine sediment, and a urinary output of 900 mL/d. There was no history of intake of D-penicillamine, and there were no signs of malignant arterial hypertension or microangiopathic hemolytic anemia. Renal histology showed a small vessel vasculitis of the microscopic polyangiitis type. Serologic tests showed a marked increase of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies with a perinuclear pattern and an elevated titer of antimyeloperoxidase antibodies. No clinical or laboratory signs of Sjogren's syndrome were present. This clinical report adds new information to the spectrum of renal disease in systemic sclerosis. It discusses the association between systemic sclerosis and small vessel vasculitis of the microscopic polyangiitis type as well as the possible meaning of serologic markers.
机译:全身性硬化症中的肾脏疾病可能以多种形式出现。一位66岁的女性,长期存在CREST综合征变体的局限性皮肤系统性硬化病史,伴有轻度蛋白尿,肾病性尿沉渣和尿量900毫升,伴有左脚突然下垂和快速进行性肾功能不全/ d。没有D-青霉胺的摄入史,也没有恶性动脉高血压或微血管性溶血性贫血的迹象。肾脏组织学检查显示为微小多血管炎类型的小血管血管炎。血清学检查显示抗中性粒细胞胞浆抗体明显增加,呈核周型,抗髓过氧化物酶抗体滴度升高。目前尚无干燥综合征的临床或实验室体征。该临床报告为系统性硬化症的肾脏疾病谱添加了新的信息。它讨论了系统性硬化症与微观多血管炎类型的小血管血管炎之间的关联,以及血清标志物的可能含义。



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