首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physical Anthropology >Diet Reconstruction in Antebellum Baltimore: Insights from Dental Microwear Analysis

Diet Reconstruction in Antebellum Baltimore: Insights from Dental Microwear Analysis


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Construction in the City of Baltimore during 1996 led to the recovery of human skeletal remains dating from 1792 to 1856. Historical research indicates that the skeletal remains come from two adjacent graveyards: Christ's Church Episcopalian Cemetery and the Potters Field East. The different socioeconomic status of the internees in each cemetery suggests the possibility of marked contrasts in lifestyle, health, and diet. To shed further light on these possibilities, analyses of microscopic wear patterns on teeth, or dental microwear analyses, were undertaken. A sample from Spanish Florida was used to help interpret the results. Epoxy casts of incisor and molar teeth were placed in an SEM and photomicrographs of clean wear facets were taken. The photomicrographs were digitized using the software package Microware 4.02. Statistical analyses of rank transformed data consisted of single-factor ANOVA, followed by post hoc tests. No significant differences were found between Christ's Church and Potters Field East samples for any of the variables examined in either molar or incisor teeth. However, differences between each Baltimore sample and the La Florida samples give suggestions of possible diet differences in antebellum Baltimore. The mosaic of differences between the Baltimore and La Florida samples probably reflects the wide variety of foods available to antebellum Baltimoreans as well as the relative lack of abrasives in their diet. Am J Phys Anthropol 141:571-582, 2010.
机译:1996年巴尔的摩市的建设导致了1792年至1856年人类骨骼遗骸的恢复。历史研究表明,这些骨骼遗骸来自两个相邻的墓地:基督教堂主教墓地和陶艺场东。每个墓地中被拘禁者的社会经济状况不同,表明了生活方式,健康状况和饮食方面明显不同的可能性。为了进一步阐明这些可能性,进行了牙齿微观磨损模式的分析或牙齿微磨损分析。来自西班牙佛罗里达州的样本用于帮助解释结果。将切牙和磨牙的环氧树脂铸模放置在SEM中,并拍摄干净磨损面的显微照片。使用软件包Microware 4.02将显微照片数字化。秩转换数据的统计分析包括单因素方差分析,然后进行事后检验。对于在臼齿或门齿中检测到的任何变量,基督教堂和东陶工场样本之间均未发现显着差异。但是,每个巴尔的摩样本与佛罗里达州样本之间的差异提示巴尔的摩前日饮食可能存在差异。巴尔的摩和佛罗里达州样本之间的差异镶嵌可能反映出巴尔的摩前人可以使用的食物种类繁多,以及饮食中相对缺乏磨料。 Am J Phys Anthropol 141:571-582,2010年。



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