首页> 外文期刊>Journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems: Applications in Engineering and Technology >English teaching model and cultivation of students' speculative ability based on internet of things and typical case analysis

English teaching model and cultivation of students' speculative ability based on internet of things and typical case analysis


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The development of English teaching mode and students' speculative ability training mode is slow. In order to improve the quality of English teaching and improve students' speculative ability, the English teaching mode and the cultivation of students' speculative ability based on Internet of Things (IoT) are proposed and typical cases are analyzed. The computer data simulation model is used to construct an English teaching innovation model. The model proposes an optimization scheme from the algorithm flow, and uses the data transformation technology to improve the real-time teaching and strengthen the efficiency of teaching management. In order to further improve the students' speculative ability in English teaching, the particle swarm optimization algorithm is added to the model to realize the sequence optimization of the data, and the authenticity and efficiency of the particle swarm optimization algorithm in the English teaching model are verified. The test results show that the particle swarm algorithm can self-improve and repair functions, continuously improve the accuracy of the English teaching model, and optimize the teaching method. The research shows that the particle swarm optimization algorithm can improve the quality of English teaching and optimize the architecture, which can provide reference for the future integration of English teaching and computer technology.



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