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'Mirror, Mirror On the Wall:' Self-Legitimation by International Organizations


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Most analyses of legitimacy and legitimation in international organizations (IOs) focus on the perceptions of external audiences. In so doing, they fail to consider self-legitimation, where an IO undertakes legitimation internally, as away of developing and reinforcing its identity. Moreover, most studies of IO legitimacy neglect the fact that IO identities are rarely uniform and instead are multiple and conflicting. I address these omissions by examining self-legitimation in three IOs-the United Nations (UN), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and the World Bank. These organizations are both operational and normative actors, and both institutions dependent on member states and autonomous bodies with independent expertise and capacities. These identities sometimes dictate contradictory goals and practices, forcing the organizations to violate the principles and activities considered appropriate to one of their identities, thus complicating legitimation. Based on extensive fieldwork and drawing on a range of disciplines, this article proposes a novel theory of IO self-legitimation: I argue that the need for self-legitimation depends on the degree of identity cohesion and identity hierarchy of the organization. I identify two temporal dimensions of self-legitimation, three categories of self-legitimation practices, and three broader repercussions of self-legitimation, ultimately showing that self-legitimation is a necessary and constitutive activity for IOs.
机译:国际组织(iOS)在国际组织的合法性和合法性分析专注于对外部受众的看法。在这样做时,他们未能考虑自我合法化,其中IO在内部进行合法化,尽可能地发展和加强其身份。此外,大多数关于IO合法性的研究忽略了IO标识很少是均匀的,而是多重和冲突。我通过审查三个IOS - 联合国(联合国),北大西洋条约组织(北约)和世界银行的自律来解决这些遗漏。这些组织都是运营和规范的演员,以及两个机构依赖于成员国和自治机构,具有独立专业知识和能力。这些身份有时决定了矛盾的目标和做法,强迫组织违反了他们认为其一个身份的原则和活动,从而使合法性复杂化。本文基于广泛的实地工作和绘制了一系列学科,提出了一种新颖的IO自律理论:我认为对自律的需求取决于本组织的身份凝聚程度和身份等级。我确定了两个自立的时间维度,三类自律化实践,以及三个更广泛的自律化影响,最终表现出自我合法化是iOS的必要和本体活动。



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