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Parametric instability of oscillations of a vortex ring in a z-periodic Bose condensate and return to the initial state


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The dynamics of deformations of a quantum vortex ring in a Bose condensate with the periodic equilibrium density rho(z) = 1 - I mu cos z has been considered in the local induction approximation. Parametric instabilities of normal modes with the azimuthal numbers +/- m at the energy integral E near the values , where p is the order of resonance, have been revealed. Numerical experiments have shown that the amplitude of unstable modes with m = 2 and p = 1 can sharply increase already at I mu 0.03 to values about unity. Then, after several fast oscillations, fast return to a weakly perturbed state occurs. Such a behavior corresponds to the integrable Hamiltonian H ae sigma(E (2) ((1)) - E)(|b (+)|(2) + |b (-)|(2))-I mu(b (+) b (-) + b (+)*b (-)*)+u(|b (+)|(4) + |b (-)|(4))+w|b (+)|(2)|b (-)|(2) for two complex envelopes b (+/-)(t). The results have been compared to parametric instabilities of the vortex ring in the condensate with the density rho(z, r) = 1 - r (2) - alpha z (2), which occur at alpha ae 8/5 and 16/7.
机译:在局部诱导近似中考虑了具有周期性平衡密度Rho(Z)= 1-iμSCSZ的瓶子凝结物中量子涡旋环的变形动态。透露,在靠近值的能量积分e +/- m的正常模式的参数范围+/-m,其中p是谐振顺序。数值实验表明,具有M = 2和P = 1的不稳定模式的幅度可以在0.03到统一的值下急剧增加。然后,经过几个快速振荡,发生快速返回到弱扰动状态。这种行为对应于可集成的Hamilton H Ae Sigma(E(2)((1)) - e)(| B(+)|(2)+ | B( - )|(2)) - I Mu(B (+)B( - )+ B(+)* B( - )*)+ U(| B(+)|(4)+ |(4)|(4))+ W | B(+)| (2)| B( - )|( - )|(2)两个复杂的信封B(+/-)(t)。将结果与浓缩物中的涡旋环的参数稳定性进行了比较,密度rhO(z,r)= 1 - r(2) - αz(2),其在alpha ae 8/5和16/7处发生。


  • 来源
    《JETP Letters》 |2017年第4期|共6页
  • 作者

    Ruban V. P.;

  • 作者单位

    Russian Acad Sci Landau Inst Theoret Phys Chernogolovka 142432 Moscow Region Russia;

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  • 正文语种 eng
  • 中图分类 物理学;
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