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Lactose digestion and the evolutionary genetics of lactase persistence.


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It has been known for some 40 years that lactase production persists into adult life in some people but not in others. However, the mechanism and evolutionary significance of this variation have proved more elusive, and continue to excite the interest of investigators from different disciplines. This genetically determined trait differs in frequency worldwide and is due to cis-acting polymorphism of regulation of lactase gene expression. A single nucleotide polymorphism located 13.9 kb upstream from the lactase gene (C-13910 > T) was proposed to be the cause, and the -13910*T allele, which is widespread in Europe was found to be located on a very extended haplotype of 500 kb or more. The long region of haplotype conservation reflects a recent origin, and this, together with high frequencies, is evidence of positive selection, but also means that -13910*T might be an associated marker, rather than being causal of lactase persistence itself. Doubt about function was increased when it was shown that the original SNP did not account for lactase persistence in most African populations. However, the recent discovery that there are several other SNPs associated with lactase persistence in close proximity (within 100 bp), and that they all reside in a piece of sequence that has enhancer function in vitro, does suggest that they may each be functional, and their occurrence on different haplotype backgrounds shows that several independent mutations led to lactase persistence. Here we provide access to a database of worldwide distributions of lactase persistence and of the C-13910*T allele, as well as reviewing lactase molecular and population genetics and the role of selection in determining present day distributions of the lactase persistence phenotype.
机译:据称已经众所周知,乳糖酶生产仍然存在于某些人的成年生活,但不在其他人中。然而,这种变异的机制和进化意义证明了更加难以捉摸,并继续激发来自不同学科的调查人员的兴趣。该遗传确定的特征在全球范围内的频率不同,并且是由于乳糖酶基因表达调节的CIS作用多态性。提出了乳糖酶基因上游(C-13910> T)的13.9kb的单个核苷酸多态性,是欧洲普遍存在的原因,欧洲普遍存在的原因和-13910 * T等位基因500 KB或更多。单倍型保护的长区域反映了最近的起源,这与高频率一起是阳性选择的证据,也意味着-13910 * T可能是相关标记,而不是乳糖酶持久性本身的因果。当表明原始SNP没有考虑到大多数非洲人口中的乳糖酶持久性时,对功能有疑问。然而,最近发现有几种与乳糖酶持久性相关的其他SNP,密切接近(在100bp之内),并且它们驻留在体外具有增强功能的序列中,确实表明它们可以各自具有功能性,它们在不同单倍型背景上的发生表明,几个独立突变导致乳糖酶持久性。在这里,我们提供对全球乳糖酶持久性和C-13910 * T等位基因的数据库的访问,以及审查乳糖酶分子和群体遗传学以及选择在确定乳糖酶持久性表型的当今分布中的作用。



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